Free Beta Key GiveAway - The first good puzzler gets it!

Hey there,

my friends are too busy to play PoE, so I thought why not give it away to someone who knows to worhip it? So I'll give my second beta key to you! but not without a little challenge ;-) the first one who solves this little puzzle, gets the key, because the answer to it IS the key! It's hidden in the text following after the explanation!

You just need to find out the letters numbers and symbols (-) which stand directly in between of an ' and an " so for example here 'G" the letter G would be a part of the key but not here "G'. Here 'ABC" and here '3 " none of the characters would be part of it. And here "A'B'C"D"'EF"G' only the letter C would be part of it. you see this will be fun^^ ...for me to see you struggle to crack it xD
You need to concentrate to find out the right characters. The order of them is right when you read the text, find out every hidden character and write them down. Good Luck! The key is hidden in the following text:

T"h'3 "D'u'e1"i"st' i"s' P"4'th 'o'f" Ex"i'le's' 'St'r"e"n'gt"h/'0e"x"ter'i'ty H'y6"r"id' c"l'a5'5, 'm"a'ki"ng' "h'j"m' u'nm"4"7ch'e'd at d'3'al"in9" an'd a'v'o1"d'in'9" 'd4m'ag"3. "H'e' c"an' '5'up"er'-"e"f'f'e'ct"i'v"e'ly" 'u5e" "4' 'shi'el8", 'bu"t "i's' "e'p"u'al"1y' 'com'for'7"a'6le" 'sla"5hi"n"g a'w4"y' 'wi"t'c"h" a p'0w"e'r"fu'l t'w0'-"h4"nder' or' 'f"'y"'g"h'7i"n'g " 'w'it"h 'we"a'p'on"s 'in' b'0'7h" h4'nd"5". 'H'is" 'p'ow"e"rf"u'l "a'rm"s' c"a'n 'd'r4w" 7'he" "s'tr'1n"g's' '0'f "t'h'e "h'ea"v"i'e's7" 'a'n6" 'mo"s't "l'et"h"al' l"o'n9'b'ow"s'. 'Hi"s" h'i'gh"ly' h'on"e"d' r"e'f'l'3x"3'2" 'gi"v'e "h"i'm "a' 'c"at'-"li'ke" 'a'6"i"li'ty" to 'dod"g'e "a'nd" p4'r'ry i'nc'om"i'ng at't'ac"k"5', 'be" 't"he"y' a"rr'o'ws" or a'x'e 's'w'in"g"s. Th"e' D'ue"l'i's7" 'is" "a' d"a'u'n"t'in"g' f"0'e', 'an"d' h"i's r"e'p'u"ta't'io"n as' a "ru't'hl"e's's "k'il"l'3r' "is' w'el"l' 'd3"s'e'r"v"ed'.

or in CAPS

but still invalid, seems some1 got here before me
well fun challenge at least.a nice way to give a key. :)
Last edited by jimboelessar on Sep 30, 2011, 5:57:44 PM

this is what i get and it doesnt work...
nope not right! you didn't find every character!

the key has the format xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
The duelist description...

You're very cruel :- D
Last edited by Lenni on Sep 30, 2011, 6:02:33 PM
Why did I find:


all between a ' & "
It is very hard to describe with words what i am feeling at the moment.
Thank you very very much for this oportunity.

I just wrote a quick script to get the characters. So simple with regular expressions.

Know that this key will be used well.

Thank you once again.

Last edited by spiwn on Sep 30, 2011, 6:03:59 PM
Last edited by Saellan on Sep 30, 2011, 6:03:09 PM
fuck what WAS the fucking key? i fucking had it done and it wouldnt work like 2 mins ago. even double checked it
Oh and I thought it was a joke

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