Leap Slam build

Scion build Im currently working on. But could use some advice.

Leap Slam/MultiStrike
-Leaps all around map killing mobs with 2-handed Ax
-Focus on high HP/HP regen, hp leech and attack speed


Idea is to combine leap slam with multistrike as main clearing of groups along with detonate dead combined with cast of melee kill, double strike with culling strike will be for killing bosses.
Using Vitality and determination auras for better defense and haste for faster attacks
I don't know what to use on my 3rd piece of 4 socket equipment any suggestions?

Armor and 2-handed Ax
-Leap Slam(R)- Multistrike(R)-Faster Attacks(G)-Life Gain on Hit(R)- Melee Physical Damage(R)- Increased Area of Effect(B)- Life Leech(R) (Need to drop one, thinking one of the life leechers?)

-Double Strike(R)- Multistrike(R)- Faster Attacks(G)- Life Leech(R)- Melee Physical Damage(R)- Culling Strike(G)

-Cast on Melee Kill(R)-Dentonate Dead(G)-Increased Area of Effect(B)- Fire Penetration(R)

-Vitality(R)- Haste(G)- Determination(R)- Reduced Mana(R)

-Enduring Cry???


I picked up as many attack speed/hp/hp regen/hp leech nodes I could as well as any increased AoE nodes that weren't too far out of the way. Also have a good amount for elemental resists but no chaos.
-Blood magic and mortal conviction nodes



-Is it a good idea to use blood magic and mortal conviction nodes in this build?
-Should I drop the 2 nodes that give 30 int each? Only have them to get the 2 increased AoE support skills.
-What skills should I put on my 3rd piece of 4 socket equipment?
-What support skill should I drop from leap slam skill? (Was thinking one of the 2 life leechers? or keep them for better survival and drop one of the others?)

Any other advice greatly appreciated

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