Need help on my 68 Groundslam Marauder SC dying and weak DPS.

I don't do much damage and still take way too much damage from voidbears, killing me often.

Please tell me what I should be doing differently.
I'd like to stay physical damage focused if possible. (Is it?)
Please let me know if my problem is gear, skills (or lackthereof), build etc.

Am I headed in the right direction with the build id like? What key node(s) may I be missing or have overlooked?

EDIT: by low DPS I mean I do 800-900 with groundslam -.- I have seen many people much higher than that.

Thanks so much!!!

I currently run:
Groundslam, faster attacks, Physical bonus, life leech
Have grace aura up, occasionally using molten shell (melee isn't the issue)
enduring shout.

I do have blood magic.

Ignore the extra gems in my helm and weapon, I know they aren't linked properly, just leveling them.





Spec I'd like to be at:
Last edited by Sknilegap on Feb 1, 2013, 1:45:15 PM
Your weapon is fast, but the damage seems really low for level 50+.

I would think upgrading that will help with your dps problem. Not sure on your survival, as you should be pretty beefy with enduring cry.
all i can say is that your maul is super weak(you want to aim for over +70% dmg on it) and you dont have quite a few mace nodes that are super cost efficient to pick up, no need to spend 2 points near trolls blood for .4% regen, not worth it, and seeing as you have pretty much every standard life node you can start spending towards either armor passives near marauder start, or go to the really cheap mace nodes

Look at damage nodes like this, if its less than 8%, its not really worth picking up, but say its two 4% damage nodes and one 18% node at the end, thats 26% damage, 26/3, 8.6~, which i think rounds to 9. While this isn't the best option it's 'cost effective', as you can pick up 28% damage by bloodless for 3, you can pick up another 33% for another THREE nodes by resolute technique extremely effective point per return

I'd say the largest part of this is not your lack of really good mace nodes but the lack of a better weapon at 68 101-151 is bow tier damage

find a nice weapon like this
and you won't have to worry too much about damage passives (I went from 3k dps with a lot of sword nodes, to 6k dps with no axe nodes immediately upon switching weapons, they play a larger part than passives honestly)
Thank you so much!, I think the 5% extra res cap and maybe a fire potion will help with voidbears. Thanks for the advice on dmg, I couldn't figure out for the life of me why everyone has so much more dps for their skills.
Pop in one instant hp flask, you will thank me for this.

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