Does % increased elemental damage increase RF damage?

Hi fellow exiles,

I thought it was time for me to clear this out once and for all for my own gameplay experience.

And i know it has been confusing for most of us as to which nodes or mods affect//benefit righteous fire.

It is pretty clear that increased burning damage and % fire damage will help the righteous fire damage as well as increased damage over time.

But i'd love some convincing confirmation about % increased elemental damage or even % spell damage.

I've obviously done some research before posting here and a lot of people have been going back and forth and back and forth as to if % increased elemental damage and % spell damage work in righteous fire damage.

I also never seen any % increased elemental damage nodes taken from any RF guides that i've looked at ( been a while though ). But someone said today that it does work indeed... So, i'm a bit confused by all this.

I would love to finally get a confirmation from this.

Thanks in advance !
Increased Burning damage increases RF damage.

The reason why you will find varying information in some guides, but not other guides is because the mechanic changed in patch 1.0.2.

For the 1.0.2 patch notes:

The key point:

Generic modifiers to damage dealt will now apply to damage over time that your character causes. Damage over time is not spell damage, nor attack damage, so modifiers specific to those types will not apply. Non-specific "increased damage" modifiers will apply to damage over time. Type-specific modifiers will apply as well. For example, "increased fire damage" modifiers will apply to fire damage over time.

RF does burning damage, which is fire damage over time, which fire damage is one of the three elemental damages, so YES in the current edition of the game Elemental damage increases RF damage, but prior to 1.0.2, it did not, so outdated guides will not refer to that fact.

Also the word "elemental" in this game can always be assumed to be read as "fire, cold and lightning" whether it refers to damage or resistances. I've personally tested it. Basically, you take take a skill like searing bond which scales off of the exact same two things: "fire and/or burning" that actually updates the tooltip, unlike RF because it's based off % life, and take the "increased elemental damage" nodes and it will update the tooltip to reflect the increased damage, because fire damage is elemental damage.

Spell damage does not increase RF, as the burning effect is a "secondary effect" of the spell and not a primary. This is true for a few spells and is an exception to the norm where, usually, if the spell has the "spell" tag, it will be increased by spell damage. Take care in noting there are exceptions and the wiki is actually pretty good at pointing which spells are the exceptions out.
Thank you for this. This is highly descriptive and exactly what I was looking for.

Very much appreciated indeed and thanks for taking the time to thoroughly go threw this for me :)

Now I can go on my way and optimize my character even more :P

Wish you the best!
RF - directly:

damage over time
AoE damage
general damage (mod on ie. Redbeak)

RF - indirectly:

monster fire resist
damage taken on enemies (vulnerability, shock stacks, some mods on uniques)

IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Last edited by Ludvator on Apr 23, 2014, 12:38:15 PM
Ludvator wrote:
RF - directly:

damage over time
AoE damage
general damage (mod on ie. Redbeak)

RF - indirectly:

monster fire resist*
damage taken on enemies (vulnerability, shock stacks, some mods on uniques)

Don't forget "Increased Effect of Buffs on You", like Inner Force and the Holy Strength node, also multiplicatively increase the damage RF does to BOTH enemies AND you.

Concentrated Effect Support Gem also multiplicatively affects it as well.

*Elemental Equilibrium is also nice, since DoT effects and Minion Damage do not trigger it, so your RF wouldn't lower their Resist, only benefit from you triggering Cold/Light EE on them. I personally prefer to use Cyclone with Lightning Damage on a Ring..
IGN: Golem_Antsy, Harvest
Inner force only increases damage on you, not on enemies

I have mentioned conc effect (= AoE)

I have mentioned EE (= enemy resists)

IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone

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