MF Culler Sporker Build?

I am looking into building a pure MF culler. I would like to make it out of a spoker seeing as I have one almost level 6. Not sure if it is viable though.

Here is the talent tree I am thinking of:

I am able to use Pain Attunement which will help with Wondertrap.

Gear I am thinking of with Gems:

6L Chest - Spell Totem/Spark/Increased Item Rarity/Fork/Lesser Multiple Projectiles/Culling Strike
5L Chest - Spell Totem/Spark/Increased Item Rarity/Greater Multiple Projectiles/Culling Strike
Wondertrap - Cast on Damage Taken/Enduring Cry/Immortal Call/Summon Skeleton
Perandus Blazon
Aursieze - Reduced Mana/Purity of Elements/Discipline/Clarity
Wheel of the Stormsail - Conductivity/Faster Casting/Reduced Mana
Wand - High crit and spell damage - Blood Magic/Haste/Vitality
Helm - Raise Zombie/Raise Specter/Minion Life/Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance
Rings/Amulet - Ideally the high priced Uniques, but I am thinking ES with 30-40 Item Rarity and resist per item.

With this build play style has to be very defensive. Sit behind party member and minions and just let the totems do their work. Given right gear, I think increased item rarity should be around 300-450 without the unique jewelry.

I am open to any suggestions on a better culler build. My other idea is a wander with similar play style.

Thanks for tips in advanced.
this was super good back in the day, hence my name spork totems. however they patched it and nerfed spork to the ground. you can still use it none the less, but you will have a hard time soloing and you also need a shavs or the other unique chest + 6L to do anything efficiently. that takes money and which could be better spent on other things. another thing, cull in parties dont really work, maybe they do for bosses but im a believer of culling everything so i dont like to be in parties. Most builds that dont go MF has insane dps and will 1-2 shot everything in sight, then your culling isnt even needed, why play this amazing game and just limit yourself to relying on people to kill hard stuff and only get some noticeable action during boss fights?
Yup same came back and SPORK is pretty poor/nerfed badly. I swapped to ARC totems since I respec'd into Lightning see the forum thread.
Strength and Honor,
Thanks for the info. I decided to go Summoner with Arc on spell totem with item rarity and culling strike.

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