Cartographer's Strongbox bug?

I just encountered this in Imperial Gardens (Merciless, lvl 66 zone). I found a Cartographer's Strongbox so I put some alterations into it until rolling +4 chest lvl and guarded by rogue exile. When the box was activated, one exile spawned (spark caster) and one devourer spawned. After killing them, the box opened and nothing dropped...

I don't really know what to do other than post this here. If there is something else that I'm supposed to do, please advise!
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Doshkin wrote:
If there is something else that I'm supposed to do, please advise!

keep looking for boxes and if you find 5 empty boxes in a row it's probably something worth complaining about.
Plus to map level does nothing if you are not in a map. I still would expect it to drop a couple maps, but I wonder if the maps would have been 67+ and thus didn't drop at all.
Got the same problem today. Lvl 70 map plus 4 chest lvl and nothing droped.
IGN : Beendixx
Also had this problem a few weeks ago with a cartographer's SB that i used some currency on. I was in Cemetery map lv 67 and had to chase some monsters offscreen. I killed all monsters on the map but never found the strongbox back, like nothing happened
ifaik map ilvl can be above the actual level of the map.

OP: sometimes bosex drop no items.

It happens, sorry but in this case i guess it sucks to be you.

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