Skill Duration passive - Lightning warp question

Do the skill duration passives (15% increased skill effect duration) increase the time between casting and teleporting with lightning warp? Ive searched everywhere for the specifics on this interaction and can't find anything.
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would a long duration lightning warp be useful and why?

Increased Duration applies so Reduced Duration can apply.
EP723 wrote:
would a long duration lightning warp be useful and why?
Yes. The original design of lightning warp was based around this - you cast it at a safe location for a long duration, then charge into enemies and can play dangerously knowing you'll be pulled out (and damage them as you leave).

It's not as popular these days as just using it as an instant teleport, but it can still be done, and still be useful.
Sounds good. Can be useful for archers that does kiting.
Mark_GGG wrote:
The original design of lightning warp was based around this - you cast it at a safe location for a long duration, then charge into enemies and can play dangerously knowing you'll be pulled out (and damage them as you leave).

Wow, I never thought about using it like this. I guess it's just the fact that I can't directly control when I'm pulled out that keeps me from using it this way, since I'd fear that it either pulls me out too soon or too late.

I propose that you change Lightning Warp.

As you said, not many players use it "charge" enemies.

I think that Smoke Mine is a far superior way to "charge" into enemies - and get out.

Since this antiquates Lightning Warp as a charge -

Please change it so that "Increased Duration" buffs do not affect Lightning Warp.
It would make spending the points for those nodes feel like "gaining" something to help your character survive -

but as it is, it feels like you're gimping yourself by taking those nodes.

Czarevna wrote:
I think that Smoke Mine is a far superior way to "charge" into enemies - and get out.

They're quite different skills. How do you use Smoke Mine to charge into enemies? You have to plant the mine first, so it can never take you somewhere you haven't been before (unlike Lightning Warp). If you're using it to retreat, the weakness is that you have to plan ahead and keep planting mines in case you need to use them.

If you mean just dropping the mine in a melee situation and immediately detonating, then yes, that trick doesn't work so well with Lightning Warp, as it can't be cast point-blank. But that's not a problem with it as a mobility skill. I agree that the way it interacts with Skill Duration passives is annoying, but given that there are a grand total of 3 of these on the passive tree, all in one cluster, I don't think it's a serious problem in practice.

Mark_GGG wrote:
Yes. The original design of lightning warp was based around this - you cast it at a safe location for a long duration, then charge into enemies and can play dangerously knowing you'll be pulled out (and damage them as you leave).

It's not as popular these days as just using it as an instant teleport, but it can still be done, and still be useful.

This is something that Smoke Mine does a lot better, as you have control on exactly when you pull out. On this point I agree with Czarevna - long-duration Lightning Warp isn't very useful.
Last edited by Incompetent on Apr 24, 2014, 11:49:05 PM

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