How much life should Melee have at 70 or around beginning of map runs

Just like the question asks, I'm thinking of making a new character that is Melee and am wondering what is a goal I should shoot for with the new content and all. IIRC I had about 2500ish hp when I started don't maps with my marauder on domination. Is that still okay or should I be shooting for higher now?

Thank you.
Minimum life is something that depends on what kind of melee build you're using. High res, a pile of endurance charges, max block, fast leech/life on hit - you might not need as much.

2500 is something like bare minimum I'd accept, but you really can't make hard-and-fast rules for this kind of thing.

This is all softcore (standard, ambush) though. In a hardcore league I'd want much more.
I had about 2500 when I started maps and could run blue 66-67 without dying as long as I didn't play too gung-ho. With the latest respec I was able to get my HP up to just over 3000 and the going appears to be a little better. This is in standard of course. I play too stupid to play HC.
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Thank you! According to POE builder I will have pretty much exactly 2500 hp at 70.

I'm guessing end game content requires at least 4k hp right?
Yep, most of the time.
Some high block builds can do with about 3500 hp.
Ranger builds list: /917964
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