"The Bunker" -- Rapid Fire Barrage Discharger with MoM and EB -- Advice Requested

I was fascinated by the new Barrage skill added in 1.0.3. One thing immediately struck me: it seems like it could be a fantastic way to build power charges in conjunction with Voll's Protector, especially with wands due to the high base crit chance. My natural next thought was: why not try to build a discharger? The only problem with that, of course, is that of range; you need to be in the thick of things for discharge to be effective. So, the character has to be tanky. I'm by no means a veteran, but it seems that that should be acheviable with a wand-and-shield build with moderate to high block. I also decided to throw in MoM (and sort of by extension EB) for added survivability.

The Concept:

How this build plays in my mind: Lightning Warp into a group of mobs, serially barrage the crap out of individual mobs, and watch as the rest are discharged into oblivion.


Barrage - GMP / LOH / CoC / Discharge / (LMP/Increased Crit Strikes/Chain/Pierce, something to get more hits or more hits as crits)

Disclaimer: I have no idea how barrage and cast on crit will interact. I threw a Voll's Protector on one of my toons with no bonus to wand crit chance and only three max power charges. What happened was that I didn't crit very frequently, but when I did, I got power charges for every mob hit by a barrage projectile, as expected. What I don't know is whether CoC will trigger for each projectile that scores a crit (which seems like it would be every one in a barrage that crits)and cast a bunch of single-charge discharges, or will trigger at the end of a barrage and consume all the charges. This seems somewhat immaterial to me though, because discharge's elemental nature means it doesn't fall prey to the physical damage effects due to armor.

Tempest Shield - Increased Critical Strike Chance / Ele. Proliferation / Life Leech

Lightning Warp - Reduced Duration

Molten Shell - Cast on Damage Taken

Enduring Cry - Cast on damage Taken

Auras: Clarity and Discipline


The Bunker

Definitely feel free to tear this apart. I don't really know what kind of passive setup I need in order to be viable from a survivability perspective. Or for that matter what kind of mana and mana regen is necessary for a MoM/EB build. I could probably give up some crit or spell crit or block in favor of life/evasion/es or mana/mana regen.


-Voll's Protector
-Crown of Eyes (so I can sue wands that help discharge/tempest shield/lightning warp AND barrage!
-The Anvil (tanky!)
-Rathpith Globe (spellblobk)
-Rainbowstride (more spellblock, plus movement speed to offset the anvil)
-Moonsorrow (good for lightning damage, decent phys damage while still having a spell damage mod, and blinding can't hurt when I'm going to be surrounded most of the time)

Other than that... probably just survivability-oriented Evasion/ES gear.

Thanks for taking the time to look this everyone! I'd love any feedback provided.
Last edited by nsheorey on Dec 13, 2013, 12:47:49 AM

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