Is this game Accessible from the philippines?

Hi just like to ask if this game is Accessible to the Philippines and if yes, Is there any lag issue once the open beta started?

The game should be accessible from anywhere in the world, if there will be any lag issues, once open beta starts is hard to say, since that's kind of hard to predict. However, there is a Singapore(?) gateway I think, so the connection to the server shouldn't be too bad.
CliveHowlitzer wrote:

I am now too addicted to that feeling of being kicked in the nuts when you die.
Last edited by Alros on Jan 18, 2013, 11:55:32 AM
How's your connection (in general) to Singapore, the US, or Europe? If it's bad, you'll likely have a lot of lag. Can't really say anything more as it mostly depends on your connection to the server gateway you use. There could be local or international infrastructure bottlenecks.
Last edited by Semptimilius on Jan 18, 2013, 11:57:53 AM
So you mean guys before I start to play a game, I will choose what server should I connect to?
Just like in D3? is there a option what server should I play US,UK or asia?
Probably the singapore gateway. There is a chance that you could get a better connection directly to the US servers depending on your ISP. Just try them both and see which is better. You can press 'F1' in game for a telemetry readout.
Forum Sheriff
Thanks for the info I will try US or Singapore to test which server is better before the open beta start. =)

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