Calculate Spell Totem Life Amount

Either the developers can provide this information, or we could employ an experiment.

To figure out how much life spell totems have at each level, I devised this:

Spell totem supporting righteous fire.
Multiple spell totems and two righteous fires of different levels are needed.
The two righteous fires are to determine if the increased spell damage from righteous fire works with totems or not, so that calculations will be correct. This is an easy test that only needs to be done once.
Two players of the same level enter PvP, at least one of which will use the totems.
The totems should not have any HP modifiers from the passive tree to make the calculations easier.
The player being damaged by the spell totem should have no life regeneration outside of flasks, and no fire resistance (unless for some reason it is needed to survive).

The process is simple. Cast a spell totem on top of the other player, have them record how much damage they took. They heal up off flask if needed. Repeat once or twice to make sure the damage dealt is the same.
Swap out the spell totem gem with one of a different level and repeat the above steps.
Repeat the above steps with as many spell totem gems of different levels as you have.
At one point swap out the righteous fire totems to see if the damage changes or not so you can know for the calculations.

Once all of that is done, you can calculate how much health each level of spell totem has.

So would anyone be interested in doing the experiment?
Certainty is the key to life... or love... or something like that.
This is a good idea, but I would advise that it be done when Open Beta stabilises, which will allow you to obtain more reliable data to post on the PoE Wiki.

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