Several peaks of lag


Since today, i'm encountering permanent peaks of lag.

I rebooted my router, restarted game, pc, disabled firewall, opened ports... I can't understand why i get these lags.

I have a good connection (1.5 MO/s) and don't lag on any other game, I use to have about 50 ms.

Thanks for reading (and sry for mistakes, i'm French)

Last edited by Percee on Dec 27, 2012, 1:12:44 PM
There are several others posts on the same category of issues. They have been stress-testing the servers recently and that could very well be the reason for your spikes. In any case I am sure that they are now aware of the problems and are trying to improve the code to avoid the lag getting problematic.
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
I hope so, since I have the same problem. I had about a 2 month break from the beta, decided I wanted to come back and play some more, and where my ping used to be 250-ish for American servers and around 180 for Singapore, it now looks like OP's. If I stand still in town it hardly spikes, but as soon as I start walking around and stuff it starts spiking.

If they're working on it that's great, I just want to make sure it does get fixed or something, because supporting for $250 and not being able to play is a bit...yeah. Once again, if you guys get it fixed (which you probably will, seeing as it's beta and all) then that's awesome. Just though I'd point out that OP isn't the only one.
Thunderstorms and Sugar
Our load testing shouldn't cause problems like this. To help identify where the problem is, please download WinMTR and run it for at least 100 pings with the "Host" set to whichever gateway you normally connect to:

Post the output here, or email it to me at
I'm still having lags..

Here is a screen of Win MTR:

The strange part of my problem is that lags also depend of where I am. For exemple in first zone after city (terasses or smthg I believe) I am at 60 ping with SEVERAL peaks of massive lag that occur very often, and in others like fetid pool or else they're less likely to happen.

Ty for your answers

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