PoE Crash to desktop due to sound file decode exception

Twice I have had the program crash to the desktop due to an Exception error with a sound file while trying to use a portal scroll to travel to the Sarn Encampment in Normal Difficulty Act 3. The crash happens right after the load screen comes up.

Here is the detail from the Exception pop up window:
Audio/Sound Effects/Environment/Act3InsaneNPC/Mumble.loop.ogg : Decoded no data

After clearing the pop up 2 - 3 times, a run time error comes up and the program crashes.

Hope the details help.

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Same issue, happens when I enter a new map. Doesn't happen when I portal back to town or to a previously visited map.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

i have the same issue loading a new area via normal doorways. I can teleport using the waypoints to refreshed areas just fine.
which results in a runtime error
Last edited by Barhorst on Nov 9, 2013, 9:10:31 AM
I tried doing a complete fresh install of the game from steam and the bug is still there.
add the -swa command line, there is a stickied guide to both the normal version and steam version in the technical and account support forum
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