Scion Crit Dual Strike/Reave build question


I came back to the game with the release of 1.0 and was looking into different builds and ideas and was curious to know if anyone would like to hash out an idea with me: Scion crit dual strike/reave build. HP based.

This was my first attempt at the build.

Now, some points can be moved to really amp up the damage % on a certain weapon type but for a pure discussion starter, I wanted to make sure I really only focused on 1Handers and DW nodes. The idea with the build is to go:


1 - Dual Strike - Melee Splash - Multistrike - Added Fire Damage for Aoe.

2 - Reave - Multistrike - Added Fire Damage - Melee Physical Damage another Aoe idea.

3 - Dual Strike - Faster Attacks - Melee Physical Damage - Added Fire Damage for Single Target.


1 - Cast when Damage Taken - Enduring Cry - Molten Shell - Decoy Totem


2 - Cast when Damage Taken - Enfeeble or Critical Weakness (would have to look into Int) -
Ethereal Knives - Life Leech


I would take Hatred - Reduced Mana - Grace.


1 - Whirling blades - Faster Attacks - Leap Slam
2 - Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Reduced Mana

Bandits would prolly be: Passive/Physical Damage/Passive or Endurance Charge.

Any tips/advice/thought/improvements/etc would be appreciated. Thanks :)

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