Thread from the Future

Time Travel is perhaps the most intriguing ideal to me, and even more so when one considers the theorems behind it, it's potential ramifications and the extent to which situations can be altered (or not!).

In both film and book I am constantly fascinated with this subject matter and how it is approached. Some mediums treat the notion of time travel as flexible, with the ability to alter past events affecting future outcomes. Others treat it as more of a hardline, set-in-stone reality, acting as though time travel occurred in the first instance and ultimately incorporated as an integral part of the resulting outcome.

So which school of thought do you prescribe to?
Flexible - Wherein outcomes can be changed.
Hardline - Wherein outcomes are always as they are, and forever will be.

Just as a little more background, I guess the two cases in point which really had me questioning times, places, people, interactions etc were "12 Monkeys" (film) and "Rant" (book).
These two were both really good mind fucks and I love both dearly.

It better be hardline. There is too much of my life that I never want to revisit again. Even the good times need to stay history.
You can't change your past, but you can change your future.

A simple saying I've learned.

If you believe it, would that make you a flexible hardline?
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit - The Tick
Hardline flexible. Nothing will be changed as you just switch dimensions.

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