Shadow Build

I'm not sure if this would be an appropriate place to post this, but if it is not, could a moderator move/delete/lock it as seen fit? Thanks! :)

So I'm starting a Shadow, he's like lvl 14 right now. I didn't really know where I wanted to go with it, so I just started experimenting with the skill gems and such the quest rewards were throwing at me.

I don't know much about building characters, I've never really been the type to analyze how I spec my character to a great degree, I just play to have fun. That being said, I wanted to ask if you guys think this would be a workable build? It doesn't have to be the best build ever, but I just want to know if it looks like it will work out the way I had hoped.

After playing around, my idea was to create some kind of hybrid cold caster/DEX-based attacker with armour and energy shield and some extra life to hopefully combat his squishiness.
Any comments?

The Build So Far

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