Guess how many leagues per week

So once this game gets out of/finishes open beta how many different leagues do you think there will be to play in each week?

In other words: If you played for at least a few minutes in EVERY league that was there to be played in each week, how many leagues would you have played in by the end of the week?

Right now we have:

-Hardcore (regular)
-weekend 3 hour hc race
-cut throat

-the occasional 2 week race

So if I'm not mistaken we have like 5-6 right now each week.

What # would you guess we will see by the end of open beta for the games regular launch?

I'm going to go with 12. I figure there will be lots more than what we have now since we just have closed beta right now.

So cast your vote.

Looking for more guild members for races/4 month hc leagues, pm for info
They kind of list them in the Leagues submenu to the left.

Basically it will consist of

Hardcore Legacy
Cut Throat

And at some point, Custom Leagues which are player made.

Legacy is the leftovers from Normal, same with HC Legacy, they may do regular league resets for Cut Throat and Ironman but there hasn't been definitive news on that yet.

Hardcore and Normal will probably see the bulk of play, unless you want to play in HC Legacy then you'll be rerolling in Hardcore if you die a lot. Normal will have the most, since there's really no restrictions and people will need time to learn skilldrasil, gemming, bartering, etc.

I'm curious what the population will look like in Cut Throat, that's one major feature that drew me to PoE, was an open pvp environment.

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