Ban the person above you

Banned for telling me I need to be more relaxed.
Banned for not wearing bell-bottoms or a gold chain.
Banned for making me get the result of grey hair and scotch. (I got older)
^Banned for banning Vakirauta before I could.
^Banned for not stealing it fast enough.
"There's a legend on the internet that if you stay a virgin until your 30, you become a wizard."
"The right man in the wrong place can make all difference in the world"
^Banned cause stealing is wrong. Unless it's from a corporation, then it's just called redistributing.
"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

Banned for switching the labels in the fridge at work simply out of malice.
Vakirauta wrote:
^Gotcha! Who's next? Is it me?

[Removed by Admin]
Banned because I still have a ban in the works for Vakirauta. But he let his self bump thread fall into disuse and he knows I can't use the AGW to do it.
^Banned for being absent minded...what were we talking about again?
"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

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