Not afraid of death......

But afraid of watching life tick away watching this timer lol!
Dats da trooof!

Wata Melons!!!!

Veteran1985 wrote:
But afraid of watching life tick away watching this timer lol!

"in his avatar veteran1985 is seen finally accepted into the closed beta"
2 beta keys left!
I DONT USE IRC, if someone by my name offers you keys its a impostor.(I only post here and in-game as Manoka and ManokaHC)
sending me a PM about beta keys will NOT get you a beta key.
Epic ^^^^^^^^^
Look away from the fowl timer! It will steal your soul! Look instead, toward the skies young game entrepreneur! The clouds the clouds, they give you life, experience, and spirit.

If that doesn't work, well I'm sure there's some icon on your desktop that takes you to some wonderful program that lets you click things and push buttons on your keyboard to cause spectacular things to happen on your screen that make you feel accomplished.
So I kicked him in the head till he was dead! Nyeahahaha!
Must have a...
a last...
a last look...
wow thats a...
thats cool...
a wow...

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