Monster Hitbox/Pathing Issue

Bear template monsters are unable to pass the middle of the bridge in image 1 and the end of the bridge in image 2 (they turn around and go into "escape from enemies i cant access" mode when i move beyond those points).

Squid template monsters have no such issues, so it appears to be a case of the large bear template hitbox and the tight boundary clipping at the paths narrowest points being incompatible.

IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao on Jun 25, 2012, 11:10:43 PM
Great, thanks for the Debug screenshots, we can fix this up easily!
Balance & Design
The larger side of the log (side covered in bodies and ice chunks) is impassible to bandits, vipers and large monkeys; small monkeys pass through without issue.

IGN: KoTao
Thanks, I'll pass this on to be repaired!
Balance & Design
The chokepoint were standing in is too tight for large monkeys and vaal fallen, while small monkeys have no problem passing through.

IGN: KoTao

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