Veiled Orb drop rate

I just looked at the price of those things and im extremely suprised they are that expensive. We are talking about hinekora's lock kinda rare, far more expensive than fracturing orb thats for sure. Considering how niche most veiled orb mods are, i think GGG should, during this league, increase drop rate by 100% at least to see where we end up. It shouldnt be 10+ divs for what, like 3 useful mods(movement for boots, conversion for gloves, crit for weapons.)
Last bumped on Apr 26, 2024, 5:56:51 PM
betrayal must be reworked back as it was before!
Necropolis master craft service Necropolis My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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TreeOfDead wrote:
betrayal must be reworked back as it was before!

Amen !! One of rhe few balanced mechanics and they destroyed it

Your strength is the law !!

MadG poe on youtube for mellee content
I don't like the rework and I don't like the price of those orbs aswell, but what I hate the most is that they deleted Veiled Chaos Orbs. Now u have to get those expensive Veiled Orbs or u're stuck with inferior crafted mods for alot of stuff.

There's also more than those 3 u mentioned. I would have liked to get a veiled "Damage while leeching" mod on my new gloves, but I'm not gambling with 11 Divs per try... 2 of those are worth as much as the double fractured gloves I necro crafted. That's ridiculous.

Maybe there is a trick to make them drop more, like someone in another thread mentioned, but if not veiled crafting is in a dire spot, especially for SSF.
I posted about this too. I actually think it might be bugged or something. Betrayal is no longer worth farming.
I totally agree that they messed up as usual with these changes. Aisling veil was one of more useful crafting tools for creating many important items for many builds. And you got one try every time you set up and finished syndicate. Now you have to run it 10x times to get a try at veiled mod? Ridiculous. I don't need it this particular league, but what about those who do? I think I needed like 10 tries in crafting +2 cold spell skills amulet with solid chaos res 2 leagues ago. Every failed try took full syndicate set up and 3 div - for can have 3 crafted and prefixes cannot be changed. Took me I think 3 days. So now you will need 100 syndicate runs to do the same? Or you will need over 100 div for veiled orbs to attempt crafting it yourself while not being lucky? Or buy an amulet for 200 - 300 divs? Wow. It feels like many of game changes are done by donkeys who have no sense of reality, no imagination and very little creativity. Not even talking about that before you could at least improve flask quality or armor or weapon during failed run so it had still some positive element in it. Now syndicate has zero useful outcomes worth doing and veiled orbs low drop chance. Complete failure. Just let aisling give veiled orb every time you have it set up correctly. Simple as that. There is no need to make it 10x rarer.

Actually at current conditions veiled orb should not remove random modifier, just add veiled mod. That might somewhat compensate for way lower chance of appearing and brutal price. Although not fully.
Last edited by BadAssTom on Apr 26, 2024, 4:52:02 AM
TreeOfDead wrote:
betrayal must be reworked back as it was before!

Very much this please. There is no reason to do it anymore.
1) Reasoning that Veiled Orbs are too expensive being 10 div is the same as reasoning that Mirrors are too expensive because they are 1300 div. So let's 10x droprate of mirrors if people whine enough. Droprate of Veiled Orb is fine. I like to have something valuable drop from Caterina.

2) It is true that in general Betrayal rewards are lacking but that is not because of Veiled Orbs but simply that safehouses and mastermind mansion almost do not grant rarer scarabs. They should give more rarer scarabs as reward.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Reinhart wrote:
1) Reasoning that Veiled Orbs are too expensive being 10 div is the same as reasoning that Mirrors are too expensive because they are 1300 div. So let's 10x droprate of mirrors if people whine enough. Droprate of Veiled Orb is fine. I like to have something valuable drop from Caterina.

2) It is true that in general Betrayal rewards are lacking but that is not because of Veiled Orbs but simply that safehouses and mastermind mansion almost do not grant rarer scarabs. They should give more rarer scarabs as reward.

It's just funny how here is always someone suffering from stockholm syndrome deeply understanding every decision made and wholeheartedly supporting it. Ofc veiled orbs are not fine. Not a drop rate, not a price which is determined by drop rate.

Syndicate sucks big time. Value it previously had was veiled bench which is now pretty dramatically reduced and increased quality which was taken away completely from betrayal. Plus some rare scarabs as a bonus. Now you can skip mechanic altogether once you unlock bench crafts you want. You were getting veiled orb every time from Catarina before. Now 1 in 10 times? Wtf is fine about that?

It is not like veiled orbs are so important. But it was well working crafting mechanic for peple to get some hopefully useful mod. It was good because of its availability/usefulness ratio. Now it just sucks as everything else about betrayal. Ofc you can do without them and many will now.

And not sure what are you blabbering about mirrors. Mirror is not anything normal player sees in whole life and it does not affect him. It is totally high end item which only for example 1% of player base gets. Veiled mod is a thing of daily needs let's say. Like comparing bus transport to flying by private jet. Most people don't mind not being able to use latter, but mind if they have to walk instead of taking bus.

GGG should learn basic rule. Do not fix what is not broken. Now you broke betrayal so fix it!
BadAssTom wrote:
Veiled mod is a thing of daily needs let's say. Like comparing bus transport to flying by private jet. Most people don't mind not being able to use latter, but mind if they have to walk instead of taking bus.

GGG should learn basic rule. Do not fix what is not broken. Now you broke betrayal so fix it!

GGG does not want veiled mod to be a daily thing that is why they corrected their mistakes from the past with current update.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.

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