FPS issues, looking for advice

Hello everyone, I've been having issues with FPS, especially during blight where it becomes nearly unplayable. Generally performance is OK but I'd love to improve performance. I'm hoping to hear advice on how to improve performance.
I updated my BIOS, reformatted, updated drivers. Temps are fine.

Windows 11
Client is Steam
CPU: i5-10600kf
GPU: 3070ti 8gb vram :(
SSD: Yes

My ISP will disconnect for a moment randomly due to it's nature but for 99% of the time it's ok.

Here is a clip of a blight map, please skip to 1:10 to see how low my FPS goes. Toward the end, I opened my settings to show.

Thank you Frozenpatatoes for the reply, I appreciate your time and information. Your English is good, I understand easily :).
Last edited by TheFARMBOT2000 on Apr 22, 2024, 11:57:22 PM
Last bumped on Apr 23, 2024, 2:31:23 AM
First, you should be using DirectX 12.

Use Medium Channel count in Audio, even though it's gonna sound weird at times, it can helps in scenarios like this.

If you're not using your Nvidia Control Panel at all, you should (in path of exile)

-Put Vsync in Adaptative mode and Triple Buffering on

-Cap your FPS around 3 fps below your monitor refresh rate, but seeing your low fps anyway you should cap it at 72 fps, but don't cap your Background FPS.

-Dynamic Resolution should be kept at 60 fps

(If you want to use Nvidia Control Panel instead, you can ask me i'll say what to do in another reply.)

Also, even in the beginning of the video, your CPU and GPU latency is CRAZY. 40-50 millisecond for the information to be threated is insane, everyone should have below 10ms for both of these in idle scenarios/not so much stuff going on.

About your drivers: we tend to forget to update one of the most important; the CHIPSET. It helps your motherboard do the "talking" between her devices (CPU, RAM, PCI ports, etc)

Seeing your using intel, a software do this for you: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19347/chipset-inf-utility.html

For the most part, every drivers should be downloaded from their own website, some software download them for you yes, but not the right/most stable versions sometimes.

And one last thing: Under Device Manager in Windows, under Audio Devices, DISABLE (not uninstall) NVIDIA High Definition Audio (this is only used if you use a HDMI cable with a TV or Monitor speakers)

--And that is all, doesn't hurt to try! Feel free to ask more questions, I'll answer if i can.

*I am not affiliated in GGG tech support in any ways* *English is my 2nd language, pardon the grammar/syntax*

Hello and thanks for the reply! So far what I've done is the following (in order)
1) Installed latest chipset driver from Intel
2)DDU/Uninstalled GPU drivers and installed latest
3)I again disabled the audio device driver
4)Booted POE and set DX12
5)Medium channel count already set
6)Changed Vsync settings to Adaptive and enabled triple buffering
7)Foreground FPS can't be changed(120hz so 120fps). I uncapped backround FPS
8)Dynamic resolution set to 60 FPS
9)Installed optional drivers through Windows 11 update

Now I will test 1 blight 1 map before bed.
There is improvement! (an am very grateful/happy!) but not even close to perfect. I did 1 blight and 1 map, and it is now playable at 20 FPS. Might not seem much, but it feels better.

Will do more runs tomorrow to confirm. Here is a clip so that you can watch the graph and see if there is any new information. https://streamable.com/pm2cgd

My questions to you are this.
1)Is this the best my PC can do or is there further issues with drivers, ect
2)If there are more issues, any further advice?
3)If it is a weak PC part, can you advise me on which PC part it is, and maybe suggest an upgrade? I would like 75 FPS at all times (if possible).
Thank you very much Frozenpatatoes. I went from unplayable to playable. I hope performance is good tomorrow in different blight/maps too. Big thanks again.
Last edited by TheFARMBOT2000 on Apr 22, 2024, 11:59:18 PM
First, you should be using DirectX 12.

Use Medium Channel count in Audio, even though it's gonna sound weird at times, it can helps in scenarios like this.

If you're not using your Nvidia Control Panel at all, you should (in path of exile)

-Put Vsync in Adaptative mode and Triple Buffering on

-Cap your FPS around 3 fps below your monitor refresh rate, but seeing your low fps anyway you should cap it at 72 fps, but don't cap your Background FPS.

-Dynamic Resolution should be kept at 60 fps

(If you want to use Nvidia Control Panel instead, you can ask me i'll say what to do in another reply.)

Also, even in the beginning of the video, your CPU and GPU latency is CRAZY. 40-50 millisecond for the information to be threated is insane, everyone should have below 10ms for both of these in idle scenarios/not so much stuff going on.

About your drivers: we tend to forget to update one of the most important; the CHIPSET. It helps your motherboard do the "talking" between her devices (CPU, RAM, PCI ports, etc)

Seeing your using intel, a software do this for you: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19347/chipset-inf-utility.html

For the most part, every drivers should be downloaded from their own website, some software download them for you yes, but not the right/most stable versions sometimes.

And one last thing: Under Device Manager in Windows, under Audio Devices, DISABLE (not uninstall) NVIDIA High Definition Audio (this is only used if you use a HDMI cable with a TV or Monitor speakers)

--And that is all, doesn't hurt to try! Feel free to ask more questions, I'll answer if i can.

*I am not affiliated in GGG tech support in any ways* *English is my 2nd language, pardon the grammar/syntax*

Very helpful post and it worked for me as well.. Thank you very much!! my fps was dropping down to 2-3fps on juicy maps but the settings you adviced did a wonderful work for my laptop. Keep it up!! Thanks again.

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