I'll guess the occupation exactly. Classes of .Path of Exile2

Knight/Jagurnaut He prefers a side-handed mace and shield set, but can also wield a two-handed spear in his main hand and a shield at the same time.
Fighter/Chieftain A profession that specializes in melee combat and is the basis for all balance adjustments.
Samurai/Berserker An Exile who defied the ronin and was banished. Although he prefers a Katana (two-handed sword), he can use all weapon types and can accumulate rage.

BeastTamer/Monster Keeper In addition to tamable animals and monsters, this is a job that allows you to use riding creatures such as elephants and dragons. Also familiar with traps and mines.
Deadeye/Rangemaster Able to use all ranged weapons, they are a must-have job in group versus group.
Pathfinder/Gunner Familiar with all types of drugs. New weapon types such as crossbows and firearms can be put to good use.

Druid/Warlock He can also specialize in sand and earth attribute magic other than the four major elements, or directly participate in war with enchanted weapons.
Archmage/Sorceress He is a master of magic of the four elements and can summon golems.
Summoner/Necromancer He can use corpses like a necromancer, or summon creatures from other worlds.

Champion/Phalanx These heavily armed soldiers make for reliable tanks.
Gladiator/Monk A class that prefers light equipment and can defeat monsters with bare hands, but can also use weapons.The Ascendancy, who wields seven weapons with him mind, has six additional weapon slots.
Slayer/Trooper They prefer two-handed or cylindrical weapons, and are skilled at handling mounted animals as artillery.

Corsair/Pirate There is nothing more terrifying than a well-controlled pirate. If you realize that you're proud of yourself because you're heavily armed, they'll probably kill you.
Ninja/Nukenin A secret of the Orient, they are excellent assassins. You can also use fire magic and summon a giant frog.
Saboteur/Exorcist Well versed in medicine and poisons. They also use Chaos spells and use magic related to demons or blood.

Hierophant/Bishop A sage who can use both offensive magic and healing magic. You can also appraise items without the Scroll of Wisdom.
Guardian/Paladin As holy knights, they are protected by steadfast faith and material shields. His specialty is wearing an aura that buffs allies.
Inquisitor/Cleric They can use magic that can heal themselves and their allies with a strong faith.
Last bumped on Apr 17, 2024, 12:59:17 PM

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