ExSea's List of suggestions to improve POE 1

I watched Ziz's interview with Mark. Mark said that he doesnt have time to read 1000 word long posts and when mentioned them being passive aggressive, i recognize that i exhibited that behaviour in my posts. Ultimately I want the game to be more fun at least for me. So I'll cut the crap. Just suggestions all the way.

This post is gonna be be long but I'll format it in a way that should speed up the process and make it easier to skip things.


Nearby Melee

Brief: Most people complaining about melee actually are complaining about melee skills that slap their weapon on the enemy. Melee skills that hit the entire screen are typically efficient and mechanically superior. I'll refer to melee hits agaisnt nearby enemies as CQC (Close quarter combat) moving forward

Fortify Rework

All melee hits against nearby enemies fortify by default
- Doesnt matter what melee skill, as long as it has a melee tag, and the enemy is nearby, the attack will give fortify.

Hits that fortify ALWAYS grants fortify stacks
- Fortify should grant fortify as it currently does (based on damage vs enemy) but also grant a minimum amount of fortify based on weapon used. This is to help with melee characters who use DoT or specialize in fast attacks that deal little damage

Fortify only lasts 2 seconds but refreshes all stacks
- For balancing purposes, this ensures that its easier to maintain fortification stacks if you're a melee character and makes it more difficult to maintain if you're not specialized into melee.

CQC proc and effectiveness
- Ailments have more effectiveness and procs are easier to trigger if applied via CQC. This gives melee players a reward for being close.

Reimbursing CQC downtime vs Uniques

Problem: Players that dont use CQC typically are able to hit the enemy at a distance so that they dont really have as much downtime compared to CQC players. CQC's having to run around and wait for large aoes/effects without being able to safely attack means they are losing out a lot of opportunities to deal damage.


Players gain buffs to their next attack(s) if they havent attacked recently against uniques
- If the player does not hit an enemy in CQC, they start gaining a stack of "Battlehunger" every 2 seconds capped at 4 stacks
- On the next CQC attack against unique monster, all stacks of battlehunger are consumed, battle hunger grants a large damage bonus to the next attack AND an attack speed buff for a duration. the damage bonus and attack speed scales based on stacks. This rewards both slow attacks and fast attacks. Slower attacks gain more value from the large first hit bonus, while fast attacks gain more value from the attack speed buff which lasts a duration.

- You can only gain battle hunger if there is a unique enemy in the screen. Players are expected to have no issues with non uniques. Unique bosses are the main reason why players have downtime in the first place.
- To prevent 1 hit cheesing, you can only gain battle hunger if at least one unique monster is NOT at full life.
- Using non self buff skill consumes battle hunger but grants no bonus.

Giving Strikes a small dash ability
- if within a certain range, using a strike skill will have the player dash towards the enemy before striking them with the melee hit. comes with a short cooldown.
- This is actually implemented in Wolcen, to the point that dash attacks are a combat mechanic with ways to make dash attacks deal more damage but with a specific range where if the player is too far or too near, the dash cant be used.
- Would be nice if POE had this ability or players are given a toggle to use this ability

Player Rotation Speed

Problem: Player turnspeed is so slow that melee hits can finish their attack before the player is fully facing the enemy.

- Increase player rotation so they turn SIGNIFICANTLY faster.
- Real life experience by me: dash behind enemy. My character is facing opposite from the enemy (as i am behind him). Click on the enemy, have my character slowly turn while the attack is happening. Attack animation completes BEFORE fully turning, thus I HIT THE AIR.
- Currently I am using "Strike hit 1 additional target" as a crutch as the ancestor performing the attack will always be in the right direction/proximity to hit the enemy.

Accuracy bonus based on distance
- The closer you are to the target, the easier it is to hit them.
- Thematically and logically you dont need to be super accurate to hit things that are closeby.
- Organically buffs melee

Standardizing Travel skills

Problem: Travel skills are used to AVOID attacks/damage, but some travel skills that travel past the damaging area are still damaged as they're considered as "walking past" the damaging area rather than teleporting past the offending area.

Make all travel abilities that trigger a travel cooldown become "instant

- This standardizes all travel skills that are used to "get out of the way" to effectively "get out of the way".
- Currently 2 travel skills come into mind, leap slam and dash. if you use them to "speed thru" the sirus "spinning beams", you will get hit by the debuff. similarly this is very apparent when doing sanctum during release, as using dash will not avoid damage from the skull beams.

Frontloading animation cycles (Make things happen faster)

Problem: Some actions can be slow (such as attacking with a slow 2hander) which can lead to players being vulnerable while performing the action.

Instead of having the action "trigger" at the middle of the animation, have it happen earlier.
- Animation cycles normally consist of startup, action, wind down. logically, a balanced take would have the action (part where the action actually triggers) happens smack in the middle of the duration. Instead, speed up the startup, make the action trigger happen faster then push the remaining animation time to the wind down.
- This creates a more fluid and responsive game play more akin to MOBAs, where you can reliably perform actions then animation cancel out of them once they've fired off. Cancelling the animation should incur regular "cooldowns" so that you cannot attack faster than normal by abusing this mechanic.
- This frontloading is actually even showcased in GGG's own mercenary showcase. It can help a lot for 2handers.

Reworking passive tree nodes to allow things to be more accessible

- Most of the tree is actually in a good place, but some of the older ones, namely marauder and duelist are severely outdated.

For example, the passives near the maruader tree usually grant "physical damage with melee weapons". this forces the player to only use physical builds if the player chooses to be a marauder.

This is different from shadow which has physical AND chaos damage WITHOUT the melee requirement.

Not too look too far, even in the ranger tree, the rangers passives are quite homogenized with a general "increased attack damage" which can apply to melee, ranged or even elemental/chaos damage.

Even the weapon specific nodes near the duelist/marauder area tend to be narrowed down to physical weapon damage.

- Reevaluating and reworking passives to be more homogenous will open the door to more build variety.

Animation cancelling does not consume charges/Cooldown

Problem: When players want to activate a skill, hits the button but either realizes its unsafe or by accident, the skills goes on cooldown and if it consumes charges, it will consume the charges. This creates a feelsbad moment.

Have skills consume their "costs/cooldowns" only after firing off their effects.

League Mechanics

Eater/Exarch Altars + Expedition Chest filtering
- Allow players to highlight mods by item filters so they can quickly identify what is desirable and what is to be avoided.
- The proper solution is to allow "time stops" where the game is paused to allow the players to make proper choices, but seeing how GGG has mentioned that it is difficult to prevent abuse, this becomes the next best thing.

Blight improvements

Allow Automated tower building by pressing V with additional cost
- Some players utilize builds that require them to be engaged with the enemy constantly, which make them have difficulty moving around to build towers as building towers take away from their damage output. Automated tower building can help these players out for example pressing V will get cassia to help build a random tower. Even if this help requires a fee of 50 points, i BET players are willing to pay the extra fee
- Speaking from personal experience, on maps that have choke points, I'm fine and usually able to micro manage. But on maps with multiple entry points, it can get overwhelming VERY quickly. I dont have time to move around and in most cases whether I win or fail I end up with over 10k points unused because I simply dont have the time to build.
- I'm pretty sure there are a buttload of players like me. If you want more players to play blight this is ONE improvement that can encourage players to engage in blight content.

Blight Map is always fully revealed and all mobs are marked
- Blight is based on tower defence, then make it more akin to tower defence.
- Players tend to have to scout the area before starting the encounter so having this may reduce the need of scouting.

Blight Chests are LOCKED during encounter and are automatically combined at the end
- Players dont want to deal with more clutter during an encounter, locking/disabling them from being clicked allows players to focus on the combat
- Combining blight chests reduces the amount of clicks/clutter on the map at the end of the encounter.

Have a blight tower point NEAR the purification pump for EACH Lane
- for weaker players, it can simply feel cruel that they have to deal with so many lanes but all the towers are far apart with little overlap. It really hammers down the huge advantage builds that can damage in large areas have over builds that specialize in smaller areas.
- players that are strong enough are not affected by this change, players that are weak will love this change give them less "feelsbad" moments.

Legion Improvements

Make the silhouette of the legion encounter be semi transparent and visible by default
- Part of what makes legion hectic is we dont know the layout of the mobs yet we're supposed to make the decision of choosing where/what to break. Having the monsters visible before even triggering the monolith allows players to strategize and choose what to prioritize.
- To reduce clutter, they can be set at a very low opacity, or even given the "breach hands" treatment where the hands are cast a translucent shadow on the map even before being revealed.

Ambush Improvements

Have an interface to easily craft strongbox on itself

Disable the strongbox from interaction until the strong box the monsters are killed (prevents accidental clicks that do just frustrates players)

Delirium Improvements

Bank all item drop and only drop them at the end of the delirium
-Some players such as myself has either FOMO or OCD, we are COMPELLED to pick items up. Banking everything and have them drop at the end can encourage players to enjoy the delirium to it's fullest. If too many items are being banked, have the system cull low value drops from the bank.

Ritual Improvements

Confirmation/Reminder window before leaving map
-In the lab, we get a confirmation window before leaving the lab early. Having a reminder window reminding us that we haven't claimed out ritual rewards will be very much appreciated.

Masters Improvements

Incursion Improvements

Auto Exit Incursions once it's fully cleared/all passage stones have been used

Highlight all monsters when there are 10 or below left

Auto pickup passage stones

Have rewards all drop at once after exiting the incursion room

Betrayal Improvements

Make all encounters have impact, syndicate members ALWAYS should have at least 1 reinforcement.

Beastiary Improvements

Make it easier to select and itemize beasts

Capture beasts faster

Allow Item filters to highlight valuable beasts/have Einhar highlight valuable beasts captured

Just have einhar follow you around the map upon quest completion FOR FUN SAKE

Niko Improvements

Crawler is fully upgraded by default
- delvers utilize builds that dont care too much about upgrades in the first place and for non delvers, delving requires so much effort to get started.
- personally, me and my friends used to keep doing delve as we didnt want to waste sulphite. nowadays we just ignore the mines as it's just too time consuming.

Niko is reworked to sell items for azurite
- Perhaps make him sell stuff like ritual with the ability to reroll his inventory and the ability to "lock" a very limited amount of goods.

Have the outposts/underground areas just fully lit
- As mentioned delvers dont see this as an issue. For non delvers its actually EASY, just you need to spam flares or wait for the place to light up. It just becomes a boring hassle where you could be doing some other content and having much more fun.

Kirac Improvements

Have Kirac STORE scouting reports and let us Roll from Kirac directly

Uber Experience


Allow Uber fragments to drop via non uber encounters

- Ripping out the ability for players to access uber content via the regular keys/invites simply makes players NOT RUN em. The value plummets as the chase uniques are gated behind the uber content.
- It's the norm for most of the older content. Sacrifice pieces to mortal pieces. Elder shaper frags to uber elder shaper frags. Putting the uber frags behind T17 are a huge step away from the norm.

Uber uniques should not be uber exclusive but instead be upgrades

- Using watcher's eye as an example 2mod watchers eye on regular pinnacle encounter and 3 mod watcher's eye on uber.
- Players have a "stepping stone"/path of progression where they are not too heavily punished for not being able to clear ubers. Currently players are heavily punished as their build might rely on uniques that have been pushed to uber exclusives
- Have "weaker" but functional exclusives drop from the non uber boss while the uber one is an upgraded version.
- Encourages weak players to actually clear non uber encounters as they still can obtain good uniques albeit not optimal.

Mapping Experience

Allow masters to STORE and activate memories or even abandon memories

AN / Monster Mod rework

Feedback: Strong players love AN as it brings extra challenge but for the weaker players it becomes extremely frustrating and can lead to "quit moments".

Identify difficult AN mods and remove them from the monster mod pool
- Personally I find these as the exceptional mods:
1. Anything that prevents recovery, such as cannot leech from, prevents recovery above 50% life, removes flask charges, mana siphoners
2. Anything that negates player damage, such as regeneration, blocks/suppresses/avoids damage, resistant, avoids DOT.
3. Anything that has limited counterplay, for example lightning spires and lightning mirages and voodoo dolls,soul eater. Really not fun dealing with those while being CQC melee.
4. Anything touched.

The removed mods are marked as AN mods. Monsters are limited to 1 "AN mod" by default.

- This is a compromise. AN still exists but prevents harder combinations of AN mods which could sharply increase difficulty

Access to double or even triple AN mods can be enabled via Atlas keystone.
- This allows players to familiarize themselves with AN mods individually and not get rekt by "bad combinations" but if they're stronger they can opt in and gain more rewards for challenging themselves with tougher content.
- Touched mods could even be gated behind atlas keystones.

One possible reason blight is disliked is because it's hectic enough dealing with 1001 monsters, having to deal with them with AN mods can be nerve wrecking with little counterplay. Weaker players cannot afford running around dodging attacks while having to defend something.

Personally I dont like the idea of AN being available everywhere without any limit. I cannot imagine playing meticulously clearing a sanctum with many rewards in store only to get rekt by an AN mob that just happens to be bad for my build. That can be a quit moment.

I understand that GGG wants to avoid players from just breezing thru everything. But some players just want to do just exactly that. GGG/Mark has demonstrated how far they have gone into giving player choice. I am so grateful and excited with the plethora of options given, just it would be more awesome to have options for AN too

Allow map crafting from map interface
- This crafting interface can be implemented by default or be tied to some Atlas quest.
- Personally I have few thousand chisels on STD. Being able to click once to max quality a map can save my fingers a couple of clicks.

Allow several preset "Fragment/Scarab" loadout
- Based on the preset, the map device is filled with the fragments/scarab using just a mouse click.

Allow players to revive at location
- Upon death, this new option is available. automatically opens a portal where player died and consumes a portal scroll AND a portal slot.
- We already got penalized we XP loss, some of us have potato PCs that take a long time to load back our hideout, and from there we have to load back into the map. Having this option would allow players to jump back into action ASAP. I believe GGG prefers players to be spending their time playing their game rather than just being stuck in loading screens.

Allow players to start in hideout/make rogue harbour a single player instance
- We have gone past the "GGG deserves our money" phase. Players who want to support GGG will support GGG. Forcing players into shared hubs "to sell MTX" is kinda anti consumer.
- GGG can garner more goodwill by removing this anti consumer and old practice that is common with asian P2W games. GGG/POE is better than that.
- I personally am using some mannequins in my hideout to showcase my fav mtx sets. It really looks much better than having 10-20 persons stand at the same spot with their mtx all overlapping each other. Heck, giving out a free mannequin to all players can also be considered part of marketing at this point.

Remember Map device MTX/location for every league.
- Typically every league, the map device is simply removed from our hideout and we have to place it again. This can be a hassle if we are using an MTX device where we have to carefully relocate the device back in position.
- The work around is after regaining the map device, we have to import our hideout from file, which is not an elegant solution.

Leveling Experience

Repeatable quests with locked crafting rewards
-There is a lot of RNG when it comes to POE's currency drops. To smoothen out a new player's experience and at the same time teach them about crafting, NPCs can give players repeatable quests that allow them to craft their items. For example, Silk can give the player a quest to kill 50 bandits. The reward is a crafting window where the player can roll sockets 10 times with an item level cap to prevent abuse.

Easy access to gems for new rerolled characters
-Have an npc appear in town that sells all regular gems to players as long as they've completed the campaign in that season.
-Prevents characters from having to prepurchase their gems or going in and out of hideout to buy the relevant gems.

Waypoints are accountwide unlocks but players are restricted by their campaing progress


QoL crafts in crafting bench
- Allow players to manually roll colour, socket, link items via crafting bench. Also allow us options to auto scour+chance and auto scour+alc items.
- Also Max qualitying gear/gems.

-when pressed/toggled, all trade whispers are suppressed and whisperers are notified that the player has toggled this option.
-useful for when you've traded all that you need or no longer have the item(s) in stock.

Standard Specific Suggestions/requests

Clarify if an aspect is borrowed power or not early.
-Whenever GGG introduces a new league with "borrowed power" in the form of item enchantments or items that occupy new gear slots, please clarify whether or not its going core. I come from a subset of standard players who specifically play temp leagues to bring items back to core. We really rather not play a temp league if the items earned are just gonna be poofed at the end of the league.
-FOMO is real. i gambled by playing crucible league but am very thankful crucible gear is retained. But on the flipside I gambled playing affliction, i lost around 10-40 divines worth of charms and tinctures that just went poof.

Upholding Standard's Permanence via legacy rolls
-Nerfs need to happen, but whenever possible please allow us to keep our old gear via legacy rolls. The entire premise of enjoyment in STD is accumulation of wealth and power. For sure IF theres no other choice go ahead and retroactively nerf but please do so with extreme care.
- we already lost so much value with our alt quality gems and with ralakesh being retroactively changed, its creating a worrying precedence that all our gear isnt safe.

Spicing up the Atlas with 10-15 additional atlas passive points for free

-Now with the ability to make league mechanics trigger at 100% we now know the value of a temp league which is roughly 10-15 passive points. And thus I would ask to spice standard up by giving us 10-15 passive points so we can get something equal to 1 league mechanic in all of our maps.
-Based on what I've been told STD players are 5-15% of the playerbase? Giving these players incentive to play regardless of season is always a good thing. This change will not affect temp league players and might entice STD players that are salty that league players get something extra to return.

Special consideration to giving back to STD players for things that they lose

- this is demonstrated very well with the replacing of sextants and the like with veiled scarabs being given out to us.

Delete Remove only Tabs

Thus ends my long list of suggestions

I put a lot of effort into this because the target is GGG staff, not exactly other players. From my experience here some people are quick to criticize the suggester rather than the suggestion. I have learned its a waste of time to respond to such persons and in fact my interactions with such persons actually lead me to be more passive aggressive in my later posts.

Feel free to criticize or add on. My ultimate goal is for me to enjoy this game more.

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Last edited by exsea on Apr 17, 2024, 2:55:44 AM
Last bumped on Apr 17, 2024, 2:55:59 AM
exsea wrote:
I watched Ziz's interview with Mark. Mark said that he doesnt have time to read 1000 word long posts and when mentioned them being passive aggressive, i recognize that i exhibited that behaviour in my posts. Ultimately I want the game to be more fun at least for me. So I'll cut the crap. Just suggestions all the way.

You put too much weight in a few words of Mr. Mark. They did moves like 3.15 player power nerf, 3.18 AN going core, 3.19 loot nerf, div-ex swap, alternate gem wipe, LMB bind nerf - all in their own volition, without masses of community feedback requesting any of those moves. Last 3 moves came out of the blue entirely, community never anticipated it.

And now they feel inconvenienced by feedback becoming passive-aggressive, and using this as casus belli to withdraw from community, outside of carefully negotiated interviews where inconvenient questions never happen?

I do really hope your suggestions will be read by GGG devs (not just forum staff), but for myself understood long ago they DGAF regardless of you being aggressive or not. Unless you are their streamer with private communication channels. My first feedback was all polite and constructive, and ironically, being toxic instead helps to be heard more here :)
Echothesis wrote:
exsea wrote:
I watched Ziz's interview with Mark. Mark said that he doesnt have time to read 1000 word long posts and when mentioned them being passive aggressive, i recognize that i exhibited that behaviour in my posts. Ultimately I want the game to be more fun at least for me. So I'll cut the crap. Just suggestions all the way.

You put too much weight in a few words of Mr. Mark. They did moves like 3.15 player power nerf, 3.18 AN going core, 3.19 loot nerf, div-ex swap, alternate gem wipe, LMB bind nerf - all in their own volition, without masses of community feedback requesting any of those moves. Last 3 moves came out of the blue entirely, community never anticipated it.

And now they feel inconvenienced by feedback becoming passive-aggressive, and using this as casus belli to withdraw from community, outside of carefully negotiated interviews where inconvenient questions never happen?

I do really hope your suggestions will be read by GGG devs (not just forum staff), but for myself understood long ago they DGAF regardless of you being aggressive or not. Unless you are their streamer with private communication channels. My first feedback was all polite and constructive, and ironically, being toxic instead helps to be heard more here :)

i was wondering what makes you think that YOUR feedback was important or any good. like do GGG need make decisions based on individual suggestions.

Last edited by anti4z500 on Mar 28, 2024, 8:10:03 AM
Of course not, formally they aren't obliged to act on any feedback. But trying to justify their attitude to feedback by it being passive-aggressive is hypocrisy. If they want to squeeze more player retention by adding layers upon layers of grind and craft casino without caring about player QoL and UI (last patch has good QoL, finally), at least be honest about it and say you aren't interested in more player comfort, but in more grind time.
Echothesis wrote:

You put too much weight in a few words of Mr. Mark. They did moves like 3.15 player power nerf, 3.18 AN going core, 3.19 loot nerf, div-ex swap, alternate gem wipe, LMB bind nerf - all in their own volition, without masses of community feedback requesting any of those moves. Last 3 moves came out of the blue entirely, community never anticipated it.

And now they feel inconvenienced by feedback becoming passive-aggressive, and using this as casus belli to withdraw from community, outside of carefully negotiated interviews where inconvenient questions never happen?

I do really hope your suggestions will be read by GGG devs (not just forum staff), but for myself understood long ago they DGAF regardless of you being aggressive or not. Unless you are their streamer with private communication channels. My first feedback was all polite and constructive, and ironically, being toxic instead helps to be heard more here :)

Tbh "pushy" or aggressive wording is the only way feedback threads get big enough or cause enough discussion and thus visibility to feel like the feedback has any chance to actually be read and considered by GGG.

Its obviously true that GGG withdraws more the more "toxic" things get. The Reddit is a prime example, CHris hasn't posted there since "lootgate" AKA Empy tricking all the alch and goers into thinking EMpy's problems were their problems. (The equivalent to the US Banker political party and the reddit sub is the equivalent to the Bankers news propaganda LOL). The amount of bad faith "GGG PROMISED" or "LOL THE VISION IS FOR BOOMERS" style 2Header dumb shit on that reddit even made me give the fuck up and come back here when I wanted to discuss the game. Its sad this withdraw also seems to coincide with Chris' gradually pulling back from the game which; I think is a shame. I like almost all of Chris' game design ideas.

As bad as "here" can be at times at least a discussion can happen.

That said GGG has historically indulged their own Bias' on countless occasions rather than see the problems as learning experiences. The most recent being the cognitive dissonance of "only 10% of players play melee".

I think Chris is a damn fine designer and also enjoy listening to his views on game design philosophy. But those words are clearly an attempt to avoid acknowledging design and execution mistakes that LEAD TO MELEE BEING UNPOPULAR. Its not proof that the mistakes aren't important, its proof of the severity of the mistakes.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Mar 28, 2024, 6:02:26 PM
not to repeat myself too much but i really felt that mark's comment on posting 1000 word suggestions thats full of passive aggressiveness hit close to home.

i've been upset with GGG for a very long time coz the game always moves in a direction that i dont like, especially how standard feels neglected among other things so i tend to be.... PASSIONATE with my words. lol.

there are people who comment stuff like "WHO AM I" and "WHY SHOULD GGG LISTEN TO ME".

i am me, and this is a feedback/suggestion subforum. i am giving MY feedback. it is FOR GGG, and my opinions are how I BELIEVE would make MY EXPERIENCE playing POE better.

i know that i dont represent POE community. i am not deluded enough to think that, but i know for a fact that most of my friends are on board on the stuff i mentioned.

whether or not GGG even reads or even adds them to the game is all up to ggg.

since mark voiced out that he wants to show that GGG cares and how he mentions his preference of feedback and how toxicity turns people away from actually reading, i decided that this is the time for me to just dump all this out.

i dont think i ll be posting much suggestions anymore in the future as i've already dumped most of them and the ones i feel can really improve the game.

in any case i've done what i can for a game i love. i find it funny how i point out that there are people who would criticize the suggester than the suggestions and that is exactly what happened.

i've got my fair share of hate directed towards me in this forum. i used to be triggered. but now i kinda feel that its something to be expected. i shouldnt have high expectations of the forummers here. for sure some of them are intelligent but not all of them are pleasant people.
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Disagreement or not, well written and valuable feedback

When I go on to the feedback forum (and I'm sure others are the same), its not really to +1 everything I agree with. To me, that's somewhat pointless. Rather, I add my own thoughts to OTHER feedback posts or else start one myself. Typically this results in more critique than agreement because agreement requires far less thinking and typing.

People need to stop immediately taking every critique and disagreement as a personal attack. Unless of course (and I'm guilty of this at times) the original response IS a personal attack.

I almost think GGG would be better served if the "feedback and suggestions" forum had NO RESPONSES and instead just had reddit-style likes/dislikes. Why does "feedback" even really need OTHER people's feedback TO the feedback? No matter how much I personally like to provide it lol.

Would almost immediately end the "passive agressiveness" that Mark mentions, and could potentially highlight the mvp posts so they only need to read basically the top 10 most liked feedbacks every month, to get a gist of EVERYTHING people have issues with.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Mar 28, 2024, 10:03:20 PM
Added new feedback

Uber Experience


Allow Uber fragments to drop via non uber encounters

- Ripping out the ability for players to access uber content via the regular keys/invites simply makes players NOT RUN em. The value plummets as the chase uniques are gated behind the uber content.
- It's the norm for most of the older content. Sacrifice pieces to mortal pieces. Elder shaper frags to uber elder shaper frags. Putting the uber frags behind T17 are a huge step away from the norm.

Uber uniques should not be uber exclusive but instead be upgrades

- Using watcher's eye as an example 2mod watchers eye on regular pinnacle encounter and 3 mod watcher's eye on uber.
- Players have a "stepping stone"/path of progression where they are not too heavily punished for not being able to clear ubers. Currently players are heavily punished as their build might rely on uniques that have been pushed to uber exclusives
- Have "weaker" but functional exclusives drop from the non uber boss while the uber one is an upgraded version.
- Encourages weak players to actually clear non uber encounters as they still can obtain good uniques albeit not optimal.

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Added new feed back

Reworking passive tree nodes to allow things to be more accessible

- Most of the tree is actually in a good place, but some of the older ones, namely marauder and duelist are severely outdated.

For example, the passives near the maruader tree usually grant "physical damage with melee weapons". this forces the player to only use physical builds if the player chooses to be a marauder.

This is different from shadow which has physical AND chaos damage WITHOUT the melee requirement.

Not too look too far, even in the ranger tree, the rangers passives are quite homogenized with a general "increased attack damage" which can apply to melee, ranged or even elemental/chaos damage.

Even the weapon specific nodes near the duelist/marauder area tend to be narrowed down to physical weapon damage.

- Reevaluating and reworking passives to be more homogenous will open the door to more build variety.
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