Atlas Map Help for New Player


I just started playing recently and am still learning how to make currency and end game in general.

I am trying have an atlas that focuses on Strongbox, Expedition, and potentially syndicate. My league start build has good fast AOE clear so I figured these 3 kind of sync together well more so Strongbox and expedition and then syndicate is fun and on the right side of the tree as well.

I am not sure if this is too much to focus on or even which direction to go.

This is kind of what I have but again no idea what I am doing lol.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Or even if this is a horrible idea to focus on lol.
Last bumped on Mar 28, 2024, 6:41:43 AM
First off, that atlas map will be outdated in 2 days, the new league has a new one. You can find it here:

Second, one mistake a lot of new players make is not focusing their early atlas on getting more atlas skills -- Its hard to collect all the possible atlas skill points if you're not putting your early atlas points into things like kirak mission chance, higher map tier chance, or adjacent map drop chance. These are all nodes which help you accumulate atlas points faster and easier. If you don't have them, you'll sometimes run out of maps of high tier to run. Probably the first 50 points or so of atlas skills should be directed into stuff like that. You can unspec these nodes later -- once you start collecting void stones they're not really necessary.
Last edited by MillardForce on Mar 27, 2024, 1:06:41 AM
Thank you for the suggestion!
You can optimize your pathing by new pathofpathing tool. You can click icons and passive skills to get possible best pathing. Then you can export to poeplanner to min-max.

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