Blight - nerfed?

For the past 2 days I have not seen a single ring/amulet to extract using oil extractor and no oil extractor drops.

Also, the loot explosions from the center are really lack luster now.

I've tried regular blight maps 12-16 and handful of blight ravaged 13-16.

Am I just a victim of weird rng for 2 days or did they nerf something?

Last bumped on Mar 14, 2024, 1:16:41 PM
Yes of course they randomly "nerf" something at the very end of the league without any announcements hoho

You're just indeed a victim of "bad" luck.

Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
blighted maps don't get the atlas tree, in order for you to get anointed jewelry drops you need to have the atlas passive allocated, do in atlas map blights and kill blight bosses in them.
Loot from "center" was always pathethic. BLight maps were always about chests. I did hundreds of BLighted maps this league and never got anything good that wasnt loot from chest.
I just tired of blight, never had any good loot, just random chaos drops or trashtier oils, just do challenge then skip it forever or enjoy do low tier mechanic
It really is a pity the atlas passives don't work for blighted or blight ravaged maps. They said a while ago they were going to make a solution to this but nothing has been seen. I think they need to either make the nodes work for those maps or add the special loot that such nodes can yield as a passive bonus to all blighted/ravaged maps. The last option is more likely as that takes way less resources to change.
CanelayAzucar wrote:
I just tired of blight, never had any good loot, just random chaos drops or trashtier oils, just do challenge then skip it forever or enjoy do low tier mechanic

Those "trash oils" were worth 4 divine each this league.
4 divs this league is like 4 wisdom scrolls in a normal league xD
arknath wrote:
4 divs this league is like 4 wisdom scrolls in a normal league xD

And I still was able to make three builds, each of them costing less than 50 divs (not counting HH on my JUGG) and they were doing more than fine even in 6-8k wisps maps.
Guess I should make "50 wisdom scrolls build ghuide"

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