Not a big fan of the enemy respawn rate

Hello all, I recently purchased the beta and am really enjoying the game. One thing that has bothered me already is the quick enemy respawn rate, I believe someone said it was 8-15 minutes depending on the area.

It's annoying when I will clear a whole area, yet miss some small detail that I need to 100% a quest and then by the time I find it, all the monsters have respawned. I can only imagine this getting worse as the difficulty and the time it takes to kill mobs increases.

I am sure some players like this as it adds a certain challenge, but at least in the low levels it just feels tedious. I am 4 levels higher than the monsters in this one area that I will have to re-clear to get the rewards from a quests that I thought I completed for example.

My suggestion: Make the enemy respawn rate something that is dependent on the league that you choose. It could even be a customizable value for a modded league.

Please respond if you like the current respawn rate and why.
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This system isn't really meant to be a challenge that affects gameplay. Instances are deleted to reduce server load, so going back after the timer runs out creates a new instance with new monsters.

The reset timer starts when there are no players in the area, so you can visit the area to restart the timer. That may be useful if you know you'll be going back for some reason. The times may be adjusted in the future if the devs feel that the server capacity can support it, but the 8-15 minute timers are what we're stuck with for now.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
Kiwi pets and Spark spam FTW.
I think it's great.
Gotta be fast with the townportal too, or it closes and you need to go out again.
Puts some pace into the game since you need to keep moving until you find a waypoint.
Ofcourse it can be inconvinient, but you can just play the area again.

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