Petition to rework permanent minion's survivability

Permanent Minion survivability had always been as issue for permanent minion builds, although with high enough investment one could get away, but at the cost of a rather squishy main character and is dependent on the minions to front the line or kill the mobs before the mobs reach the main character.

Now, comes 3.23. The main problem here is the green wisps. If a player takes upwards of 4k green wisp, even with high enough minion life, and full minion blocks with recover from passives as well as bone offering, minions still dies. This is because green wisp gives absurd amount of critical chance and crit multiplier to mobs, and not forgetting to mention the damage resistance. If player takes green wisp yellow and purple, then its pretty much done for, for a permanent minion build.

This is essentially broken. This makes permanent minion build not being able to take full benefit of the wisp, unless heavily invested in, even then, the issue of the main character being squishy still remains, in that, even if the minion survives, the main character can be one shot-ted relatively easily. While other builds can have more room to invest in survivability in leech, overleech, armour, or defend conversion, permanent minion builds does not. Even ranged build can overcome this with absurdly high DPS so they can burst down or kill mobs off screen.

If Affliction mechanic were to be core, (which I sorely wish it will be), permanent minion's survivability has to be reworked, as the other parts of the league's mechanic aside from above mentioned, is amazing!

Even without affliction going core, permanent minion's survivability would really need a rework still, as this build archetype often requires absurd amount of currency investment in order to either somewhat survive some overly rippy mechanic, or absurd investment into damage when compared to other builds, so to kill the mobs before the minions die, in my opinion this isn't very good design, as it makes the build rather underwhelming early game, and requires a lot of investment for end game content when compared to other build to even barely touch the efficiency of other builds.
Last edited by tehkangthai on Jan 8, 2024, 10:18:48 PM
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2024, 12:04:43 AM
Good luck getting anywhere. Minions have never been the same post 3.13.

Its why 40% of all summoners use srs. summoner meta is quite stale.

and the only reason why temp minions are not under water with the permanent minions is because you can some what ignore the investment in minion durability.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Feb 2, 2024, 11:08:49 AM
Weird, I've gotten 4k+ blue wisps and never lost any of my permanent minions. Granted, the only permanent minions I use are Hulking Miscreation, Pale Seraphim, and a high investment AG. They have Meat Shield and Minion Life supports, plus the minion cluster that gives life when minions die (I run poison SRS).

The only time I lost any of my permanent minions is when I tried fighting uber Exarch for challenges. Dude is insanely OP compared to most other uber bosses, so much so that it managed to kill my AG for the first time in this entire league.

Affliction isn't going core, if that's of any comfort to you and your concern for minion survivability. The league is pure powercreep and a money printer far more broken than TotA ever was.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
we already have keystones that give

increases and reductions to minion attack speed also affect you
increases and reductions to minion damage also affect you

may be its time for a new keystone
increases and reductions to minion life also affect you at a % of its value.

self found league fan

Last edited by caboom on Feb 2, 2024, 9:34:09 PM
caboom wrote:
we already have keystones that give

increases and reductions to minion attack speed also affect you
increases and reductions to minion damage also affect you

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may be its time for a new keystone
increases and reductions to minion life also affect you at a % of its value.

Thanks, I didn't know it before.
Last edited by AlfonzoZuniga on Feb 28, 2024, 7:08:01 AM

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