[3.25] Juggernaut Herald of Agony for attempting Uber Pinnacle Bosses

In a nutshell it's a very tanky Juggernaut with disappointing Uber pinnacle damage output.
If the damage sucks... why play this build?
There's a few reasons. Firstly yes it's not a giga-damage build capable of farming highly juiced content. But make no mistake... for general map farming (Alch and Go all Tiers) our scorpion minion 1 taps every white and blue mob it attacks and is an unstoppable force that widdles down Rares and Bosses while our Juggernaut stands unbothered; armored like a Mountain VS a hail storm.

Secondly this build is super easy to gear and progress in maps, especially in Trade league. For 30 chaos or less not only are you Godly tanky... but your relentless and literally 'invincible' scorpion minion clears Rare Red maps with ease. 2 cold iron points and The Golden Rule jewel are all you need to start your successful warpath through maps.

Thirdly 99.9% of the time this is a 1-button build. This is a watch streams/tv shows on a second monitor build. I've recently tested Winter Orb to apply virulence stacks and found it worked great. So we don't even have to AIM anymore. Just stutter step/channel through maps and stand still and channel in the Bosses terrified face. Ah it's just too easy guys.

I'll give an honorable mention to the fact this build is easy on the eyes and the PC. Now I enjoy seeing cast on crit, screens exploding, 1000 projectile, flicker strikers with 20 APS as much as the next Wraeclastian - but give it about 10 minutes then I don't.
This build is plain. I shoot a few ice shards. My scorpion shoots a few tail spikes. Enemies turn to corpses. Simple. It keeps the screen very readable in combat and keeps the FPS above 60!

To be honest guys leveling isn't my strong suit! But it's fine because the gem Summon Raging Spirit exists :P
I recommend getting this gem from Witch (from completing 'Breaking Some Eggs' quest) to level your Marauder with and just cruising staying a few levels above area level so your SRS gem is high level/damage.

I did a Act 1 Path of Building so you know how to start SRS and feel strong.

Level 17 - https://pobb.in/rUl_JFLh--kC

From there it's just do the usual things... get life, resistance, upgrade to a 4-link, etc etc
You can swap to Herald of Agony after Library quest in Act 3 if you want. I usually do that... but be aware you get the gems from Library as level 1 so you'll need to level your Herald of Agony + supports up. Ideally you'll find/use a 4 link by library for either SRS or Herald of Agony going forward. And 4 link is plenty damage to finish entire campaign on either skill.

I like to switch to Herald of Agony early so I never have to worry about mana issues which will happen with SRS as it levels up/gets more gems etc.

PoB Links:

Level 17 - https://pobb.in/rUl_JFLh--kC

Level 80 using Storm Brand - https://pobb.in/_2L0oC6NC5bP
Level 80 using Winter Orb - https://pobb.in/Fw_cbL1XJLfQ

(You have farmed 200 Divines? Time to transition to this then and spank some Uber butt)
Level 100 facetank Uber Pinnacles goal PoB - https://pobb.in/knyfh685s_kz

"The key to winning any fight is simply staying alive."
Last edited by WARPAINTER on Jul 26, 2024, 6:09:10 AM
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2024, 10:48:07 AM
When u have time are able to add a short leveling build TY
When u have time are able to add a short leveling build TY

EDIT - leveling video and PoB done.

I'll do my best to add a leveling build/PoB over the next 5 hours or so. I'm playing Herald of Agony minion while I farm for required build items, but I recommend people play their favorite builds/play styles until they're ready to fully respec and become Arakali's Fang Juggernauts.
"The key to winning any fight is simply staying alive."
Last edited by WARPAINTER on Dec 11, 2023, 5:34:52 AM
Thank You looking forward to the build!!
Hey, have you been using this build? how is it working out for you ?
Sleepy_Lai wrote:
Hey, have you been using this build? how is it working out for you ?

Still in Herald of Agony stage atm. Level 88 - Character name 'WeSpooderAgane'. I'm not the fastest cab on the rank. Haven't had any big drops either to power my gearing progression.

I plan on doing a new post update and YouTube build progress video every week or so. So Friday will have some news for ya.

Spoiler though... Affliction mechanic making things too tanky and inefficient for me atm - so I'm ignoring it til Red Maps/Spooder build.
"The key to winning any fight is simply staying alive."
how do the daggers help the agony build still learning ty
how do the daggers help the agony build still learning ty

The daggers '+3 to Level of all Physical Spell Skill Gems' boosts the level of Herald of Agony. And levels are a huge damage boost for Herald of Agony minion.
"The key to winning any fight is simply staying alive."
Why level 94 before we have to switch? or is it not enough dps otherwise

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