Forum shop thread breaking over and over

So I'm having this trouble with my forum shop thread where sometimes, as I add or remove something after a transaction, some items (or prices idk) swap places with others. For example I have an exalted orb listed for 10 chaos, but after editing the thread then that exalted orb is listed for only 1 chaos, and the 10chaos offer is listed on a different item.

Is this normal behaviour? How can I avoid it?

I had to remove the entire spoiler format I had because it was breaking over and over, and had people spamming whispers on me because they saw offers really cheap caused by this bug.
Last edited by Telgum on Aug 20, 2023, 12:48:48 PM
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2023, 8:23:40 PM
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When submitting an update, can you check the items in the thread to confirm they match what you expect?

Posting items via the forums works on their x/y position within a stash tab so if the item in that slot changes before you submit the post then the item grabbed will be the wrong one. I'd just like to confirm that that isn't the case here before investigating further.
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Novynn wrote:
When submitting an update, can you check the items in the thread to confirm they match what you expect?

Posting items via the forums works on their x/y position within a stash tab so if the item in that slot changes before you submit the post then the item grabbed will be the wrong one. I'd just like to confirm that that isn't the case here before investigating further.

I have the same issue, my shop is unusable because of this, had to set my shop to an old version because it would automatically sort listings by itemtype rather than keeping it in the order i listed it at
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Novynn wrote:
When submitting an update, can you check the items in the thread to confirm they match what you expect?

Posting items via the forums works on their x/y position within a stash tab so if the item in that slot changes before you submit the post then the item grabbed will be the wrong one. I'd just like to confirm that that isn't the case here before investigating further.

I thought this was the issue so I remade my shop with the same old format:

And with extreme care to NOT manually sort or move any item within the tabs until it's time to sell. Well I just confirmed the items moved themselves again, is like they all drop a position down but the price remains in place. Example below, it seems like every single item in the screenshot dropped one place. Ring should in in "Rare" and the gem in "Gems".

Last edited by Telgum on Aug 22, 2023, 12:40:27 PM
Bumb. Happened again
Apparently when you update a thread and remove an item from it, the "index" field updates automatically.

In this image it shows in order, but before updating it the order was "Index 1, 3, 4" because item 2 was sold. So item 3 gets the price of the old item 2 and so on. In this case there is no problem because the price is the same, but people gets mad when "you list" stuff that is worth a divine for 1c, and is also very frustrating having to go through every item to keep things in order.

I assume there is no solution besides being forced to list your stuff by price, rather than type.

Last edited by Telgum on Aug 22, 2023, 8:31:14 PM

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