ps5 - Encountered cannot log in because not connected to PSnetwork

There's a "Disconnected Cannot log in because "Playstation Network" Cannot be reached.

However, I can download stuff from PSstore and the game seemed able to pull my PSN ID at the main screen. It was working fine earlier.

Checked some previous posts that past issue may be due to PSnetwork, but seemed PSnetwork is fine:

Not sure what the issue is.
Last bumped on May 11, 2023, 4:15:21 PM
Not sure if this is the exact same bug/issue, but it happens a lot when I play, particularly in longer sessions. Suddenly there is a popup in-game about "You left the group" or something along those lines. If I then log out and try to log back in, it won't work. I see my name in the top left of the login screen, but there is nothing else, not the 1/6 stuff that is usually present. Only way to log in is to manually close the game on PS5, and then restart it. Since this happens basically every time, I've gotten into the habit of manually closing down the game when I'm done playing.
Last edited by Pangaearocks on May 7, 2023, 6:06:35 PM
I think I have something similar. For me it happens a lot when trying to TP to hideout. When I click on the portal nothing happens, I can still walk around and kill enemies etc but after some time I just get disconnected and then most of the times I just cannot login with an error that I have no internet connection...

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