RF+Agnostic not recovering from 0 mana

Bug: The Agnostic normally limits its mana drain based on missing life. The mana drain is no longer limited at low mana values.

After a recent thread where someone asked about this issue, I took a closer look at it using their build as a base, and looking for a threshold where I was just at the edge of being able to recover from 0 mana with The Agnostic allocated.

Here is my PoB link: https://pastebin.com/ztmJQBS3

"Always on Full Life" is checked to view mana regen with slightly higher precision than ingame.
The build includes two copies of the Clarity aura, one at level 13 and one at level 14.

Build stats:

Life: 2437
Fire resistance: 75%
RF Degen: 548.3/s

Max Mana: 4895
Mana Regen: 732.8/s and 740.3/s (level 13 and 14 Clarity, respectively)
Mana recovery from flask: 570.6/s
Total Mana recovery: 1303.4/s and 1310.9/s

Damage taken from Mana before Life: 60%
Mana degen from RF: 328.98/s
Max Mana loss from Agnostic: 979/s
Combined value: 1307.98/s

Observed behavior: when Mana is not at 0, The Agnostic drains mana equal to missing life. In this case, the life degen is 219.3 life per second, so The Agnostic drains 219.3 life per second. RF can be sustained while Mana is not low, because 700+ mana regen can handle the 548.3 mana loss.

Test procedure: I remove gear to lower my Fire Resistance until Mana reaches 0, then reequip the gear and wait for life to fully recover.

Expected behavior: because Full Mana could be sustained, when life fills, mana will start to refill.

Observed behavior: after life fills, Mana does not recover.

With no flask or Clarity, Mana stays at 0, despite Life fully recovering.
With either Clarity aura, Mana stays at 4, showing that mana recovered is indeed greater than mana lost, and yet recovery does not occur.

With flask and level 13 Clarity, Mana stays at 42 until end of flask duration. This mana cannot be used to cast spells.
Total recovery of 1303/s, total loss of 1308/s, net loss of 5 mana per second maintains mana at 0.

With flask and level 14 Clarity, Mana finally starts to recover until full.
Total recovery of 1311/s, total loss of 1308/s, net gain of 3 mana per second allows mana to rapidly recover at a rate of ~760 mana per second.


When Mana is not close to 0, The Agnostic only drains enough mana to fill missing life.
When Mana is 0, The Agnostic drains the maximum amount of mana possible, no longer limiting itself to the amount of missing life.

The keystone's behavior changes from lenient (allows mana to recover even if the full effect isn't sustainable) to strict at low mana values.

Possible cause:

Normally, the keystone takes the min value between "max drain" and "missing life". If "current mana" is less than "max drain", it may be consuming "current mana" without comparing it to "missing life", or it may be taking the max value between them instead of the min value.
Last edited by Jadian on Apr 6, 2023, 5:44:09 AM
Last bumped on Jun 1, 2023, 5:09:34 PM
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I have also found this bug while playing and spent a few hours trying to work out the issue, I was able to sustain RF while getting hit but the second my mana pool dropped to 0 it would then only regen to ~43 and was unable to increase it

I can confirm that it appears to be draining at a much higher rate when mana reaches 0. you can "solve" it by unpicking it and instantly taking the node again but I dont think thats intended to be like that
Can confirm I face the same bug as well, if i reach zero mana it wont regen back up under normal conditions.

However for whatever reason if you take the life mastery "you count as full life while at 90% of maximum life or above" it works as expected, i reserve clarity on the 10% life so its not all bad.

Also sometimes agnostic does not heal rf degen, i will be alt tabbed for about 10 mins afk in hideout and when i come back i am at 75% hp while my mana is full, this should never happens.

This also happens in map sometimes - my hp will keep degening until i get hit by a mob. I will be going through the map and half way through the map if i have not been hit yet i will be sitting at half hp. When i get hit by a mob agnostic gets triggered and i am healed back to full.

Cant seem to reproduce this issue at will.

Here is the char - https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/zarth1/zzaappeerr

Here is a screenshot -

Last edited by zarth1 on Jun 1, 2023, 5:17:25 PM

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