Lootfilter ps4

I can understand that we console players cannot put together our loot filter ourselves like we can on the pc, but how can it be that high-quality uniques do not go up to the high t levels of the loot filter?

as an example I have Carcass Jack (not as valuable but still worth more than the most uniques that are displayed). and then the kingmaker. Absolutely valuable. 2-3 ex from the beginning to the end of the season. I thought so far that only the identified version (for my ag) is not shown in the filter(t4), but even the unidentified one that any mob can drop is not shown to me.
how can this be???
Last bumped on Jul 7, 2022, 8:44:48 PM
Jaweed157 wrote:
I can understand that we console players cannot put together our loot filter ourselves like we can on the pc, but how can it be that high-quality uniques do not go up to the high t levels of the loot filter?

as an example I have Carcass Jack (not as valuable but still worth more than the most uniques that are displayed). and then the kingmaker. Absolutely valuable. 2-3 ex from the beginning to the end of the season. I thought so far that only the identified version (for my ag) is not shown in the filter(t4), but even the unidentified one that any mob can drop is not shown to me.
how can this be???

I play on Xbox and have a custom filter. I use Filterblade and it works quite well for Xbox. It works for PS too.
When I saw a revision of the loot filter at the start of the season, I never thought that we could build our own loot filter.
thanks for the information
thx man very much

I've been playing legion league and until now it was foreign to me. thanks !!!
I'll take a look at the site and hope it all works out. but for the previous loot filter I only have to say that it is miserable.
whatever. thx! and close or whatever

I'll deal with that over the next few days.
Last edited by Jaweed157 on Jul 5, 2022, 11:06:23 PM
Yeah, the game is much better with a custom one you make yourself on filterblade. It might take some time, but definetly worth it!
Have you encountered that everytime when logging in, the custom filterblade filter you originally set, is not being picked at start, having to pick it every time I log in?
Can we have South African Servers on console please? Thanks

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