Game stutters after entering a map

Not quite sure if this qualifies as a bug but the game stutters a lot / fps halts to zero for a few seconds after entering a map. This results in death after encountering the first mobs all the time, which should obviously be of extra concern for HC players.

That issue wasn't present in 3.17. I'm playing on PS4.
Last bumped on May 24, 2022, 3:23:20 PM
I got that too a few times and it seems to be additional resources needed for the new rare mob mods. Maybe they are just too much for the limits set before 3.18 or they aren't as optimized yet as the old FX or they are set up to only stream once needed (monsters summoned/resurrected), which would be deadly and not good. These new mods are deadly in a couple of ways. :p
... is not a troll
The reason why I stopped playing for today. Massive stuttering the third day now. It gets worser when I use a sentinel. Seems to be serverside, its always about the same time (afternoon in my region CET). Playing in the morning and at night was ok.

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