reduced mana reservation change

Hi i was woundering what people feel about the change to reduced mana reservation?

For me this change was not very fun.
After spending months to get my aura bot up and running with 18 auras and no Enlightened.

I can't feel anything else but robbed of my time spent in this game.

And the big nerf before that was the CoC and CWDT builds i had and enjoyed playing just gone.

Last bumped on Dec 26, 2021, 11:27:58 AM
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the new reservation system is very terrible for builds that run many auras. It's like ggg vaal orb those builds and deleted after bricking them.

otherwise if your build doesn't run many auras you will greatly benefit with the new system you can easily run 4 auras/skills
It's great for any build that isn't an aura bot.

Finally they've changed it.
Last edited by kentrylix on Oct 23, 2021, 5:07:04 AM
wengbeng wrote:
Hi i was woundering what people feel about the change to reduced mana reservation?

For me this change was not very fun.
After spending months to get my aura bot up and running with 18 auras and no Enlightened.

I can't feel anything else but robbed of my time spent in this game.

And the big nerf before that was the CoC and CWDT builds i had and enjoyed playing just gone.


Welcome to the world of non-aurabot builds (which were barely touched all these years). A lot of people often get their favorite builds nuked every league, and get "robbed of time spent in this game".

Not so much fun when it happens to you, huh?
Love this change. It's a good change for 99.9% of all builds in PoE.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
It was MEANT to be a nerf for aurabots. It's a huge buff for everyone else tho.
wengbeng wrote:
Hi i was woundering what people feel about the change to reduced mana reservation?

For me this change was not very fun.
After spending months to get my aura bot up and running with 18 auras and no Enlightened.

I can't feel anything else but robbed of my time spent in this game.

And the big nerf before that was the CoC and CWDT builds i had and enjoyed playing just gone.


That's the reason why I don't play this game any more :)
but I do keep read forum post :)

You spend so many time to make a build great and they remove it from the game.... and you have to start from 0 again......

It just like a FULL TIME job to play in POE... no thanks........
wengbeng wrote:
Hi i was woundering what people feel about the change to reduced mana reservation?

For me this change was not very fun.
After spending months to get my aura bot up and running with 18 auras and no Enlightened.

I can't feel anything else but robbed of my time spent in this game.

And the big nerf before that was the CoC and CWDT builds i had and enjoyed playing just gone.


Welcome to POE. I'm robbed every 3 months.
Exile009 wrote:
It was MEANT to be a nerf for aurabots. It's a huge buff for everyone else tho.
What buffs for my gladiator? It basically dead. I cannot kill T16 boss. Previously was dead in 10s now 3 minutes and 5 deaths.
People. You've had less than 24 hours to adapt to the new environment.

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