What should the name and flavour text of the card be?

The Oasis - Lost in the verdant beauty, the traveller was blind to the dangers that surrounded her.
The Hook - Every obsession began with a single, innocent taste.
Temptation - It is much easier to forego that which you seek when it is not laid at your feet.
Folly - Nothing worth taking is ever offered freely.
The Siren - Those who hear her song are already beyond help. (NOTE: 'The Siren' is already in use - we will pick something very similar)
Poll closed
Up next in our series of polls for the upcoming community-designed Divination Card is to decide on the name and flavour of the card. The options in this poll are based on the theme ‘Temptation of the Atlas and its consequences’, which our community voted for in last week’s post.

This poll will be open for one week so if you would like to participate in the process, make sure to cast your vote!
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Grinding Gear Games

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