loading new area bug and crash

happened when loading the cathedral of bones lvl1

I have all the time the "run out of memory" error, but this is the first time it really mentioned something extra. I thought it was worth noting.

let me know if you need computer stats.
Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
Last edited by xchokeholdx on May 6, 2012, 4:38:37 PM
Rory wrote:
If you're frequently getting a "E_OUTOFMEMORY" error when changing areas, you can put -gc 2 at the end of your Path of Exile shortcut (Open the shortcut properties, and add a { -gc 2} after the last quotation mark). If this still doesn't help, try -gc 1. Doing this will increase load times between areas you have visited, and similar areas.

See: Forum Index - Support & Bug Reports - Known Issues List - Read before posting.

Edit: The problem is, that PoE consumes quite a lot resources. When the game can't find a chunk of memory that is large enough to fit an area, it will crash with a E_OUTOFMEMORY error. This can happen anywhere and will more likely happen if you change area's a lot. If you don't have much memory in your computer, I suggest closing all other programs. If that is already the case and you still get these errors, you can try Rory's suggestion above.
Don't read my signature!
Last edited by Sumurai8 on May 7, 2012, 5:08:18 AM

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