[3.12 HSC] [NA Realm]Free 4/5 Way Legion Carry / Self Curse Temp Chains - 100M+ Exp/Hr [ONLINE] 🟢

Whisper me IGN @FiveWayEmblemCarry If you have a set you'd like me to carry. Currently the best exp per hour in the game (100M+ at level 99)

Absolutely free, I'm only looking for the exp. Can do single man runs for loot/exp, or full man parties for exp rotas. Have completed well over 100 this league alone.

Loot amount isn't the same as it was in Legion, but 5 rows is still attainable with optimal resets. Most of the loot is front loaded in the first 5 or so waves, so make sure if you're optimizing loot, that you wait for me to clear the first 5 waves in full before reset. After that, you can go a little faster.

If you have a 4/5 way Legion emblem set, and are a little unsure of how to proceed, just whisper me. I'll be more than glad to explain the process (it's pretty easy!)

Please make sure to change regions to an NA region (preferably Canada <3). It's not mandatory to change regions, but be aware that the chance of the server crashing is much higher on any realms outside NA, so if you're willing to accept the chance of an instance crash, then I can do any realm.

Also leaving a vouch would help me out much more than a tip, so please be sure to do so!

Last edited by Omega_SureShot on Nov 3, 2020, 5:47:51 AM
Last bumped on Nov 20, 2020, 6:52:05 PM
Great carry can vouch did about 20 runs total 99% 5 full bars.
Great Carry. 3 runs, 4-5 rows of loot, based on reset speed.
bump - Online
+rep nice guy did 4 and 5way for me
+rep ran 22 sets, no issue at all
+vouch x22 sets of 5 ways. will def run more soon
bump - Online!
Recommend. Fast and simple
bump - online and ready for work! <3

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