Vulkan locks upon changing ANY graphics settings - 3532778128 - RESOLVED

NOT A DUPLICATE of the crash listed in Known Issues, as it is not a crash.

This does not actually crash the game - changing any active graphics settings (FPS, resolution, quality, anything besides background framerate) will cause Path of Exile to stop visually updating and also prevent screenshots from being taken. You can still navigate menus and interact with the gamespace normally, but all visuals get completely bricked.

It's a really bad feeling to accidentally click on the borders of the window and krangle your game window. It might be tied to how Windowed Fullscreen is unusually unstable but I doubt it, as it affects all rendering forms (and almost entirely prevents you from switching between them).
Last edited by LordofSandvich on Jul 8, 2020, 7:39:22 PM
Last bumped on Jul 8, 2020, 7:39:03 PM
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Can confirm that this still occurs as of june 25th. I can now switch to Vulkan just fine but any attempt to go to Windowed mode, change resolution (in windowed, fullscreen OR windowed fullscreen), or go back to dX11 is immediately rewarded with a visual softlock.

Attempting to switch back to dX11 while "softlocked" does not fix the problem, even when successful. I can log in and even play the game as normal but I am effectively playing blind; only my mouse cursor updates.

This is incredibly difficult to avoid when Windowed and entirely impossible to bypass once active. I can get footage if needed but it'll take some effort as OBS studio is a bitch to work with.
Can confirm that this still occurs as of june 25th. I can now switch to Vulkan just fine but any attempt to go to Windowed mode, change resolution (in windowed, fullscreen OR windowed fullscreen), or go back to dX11 is immediately rewarded with a visual softlock.

Attempting to switch back to dX11 while "softlocked" does not fix the problem, even when successful. I can log in and even play the game as normal but I am effectively playing blind; only my mouse cursor updates.

This is incredibly difficult to avoid when Windowed and entirely impossible to bypass once active. I can get footage if needed but it'll take some effort as OBS studio is a bitch to work with.
Still going on as of 3.11.1 release. I cannot play using Vulkan because of this. Is there any documentation of others experiencing this bug at all???
The issue required that Path of Exile was run as an Administrator in order to solve itself. I'll get this PC checked out; it was originally a rental...

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