ssf witch and conquerors; when should someone be able to kill them

Ok, I am completely ssf so I expect it to take longer and higher level to do things but when is it the gear vs the player :>

1) my summoner (str based) made it to the 4stone conqs but I couldn't kill any of them at lvl87. Especially drox who would just overwell my army.
2) second attempt at a combined summoner with higher int stalled at lvl 82
3) third attempt at a strange ice nova with ghouls had trouble on T1 maps. I knew this was an experiment

4) My last attempt is lvl 82 using blight/contagion/essence drain with 4 golems acting as shields and alternate damage

I was able to kill baran at lvl 79 first time but I can't kill any of the other conqs although I am 10 lvls over the map!

I know the answer is looking at guides etc but my question is then as a ssf character who may never find the gear; what is my expectation for killing them.

Am I supposed to be able to kill them when I can clear the maps or when I can clear the next tier, when I can clear the next region or when you outlevel the map by +1 etc

Just a general enquiry as I know I am not the best at situational awareness but am I beyond hope?
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2020, 2:16:42 PM
unhide your characters. a level 87 skeleton summoner should be able to do thing on NO GEAR. you're doing something vastly wrong.
I unlocked this account as I created a new account to reset the atlas to try from scratch for next league. I know my build is weird as I was trying various strange builds.
yea, it would be better if you posted on one of the summoners then. this character is a mess
Last edited by Thror2k5 on Feb 18, 2020, 10:45:21 PM
Lol this is the base I was going to use for next league!!!
well, this character isnt a character.

you have a bunch of minion nodes and no minion gems.

you have four different frost wall gems AND 3 different ball lightning gems.

you have multiple brand skills.

your an elementalist, but your main link is blight+contagion. Chaos is not an element (fire/lightning/cold are elements). Chaos is Chaos. Your ascendancy does not benefit blight at all.

Zealotry gives spell crit, but damage over time (blight) CANT CRIT

PICK A SKILL. Either Brand. Ball lighting. Blight. Minions. PICK ONE. this game rewards you for doing 1 thing well. throw out the concept of 'wizard using all the cool elements'. This game wants your wizard to learn 1 thing really well and IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE. Get a PHD in Blight, don't be a general practitioner.

once you pick a skill, take passives that either benefit that skill, benefit your defenses, or get you to those things that do. link support gems that make your main skill stronger.
Last edited by Thror2k5 on Feb 19, 2020, 12:56:01 AM
I would say, you did not just some thing wrong, it is more like, hope to find something right.
Maybe you should look a guide to the build you like to play, because the first heroes, all of us did, were like this, hard word Not Working.
With time you find out, what to do without guide, but at first learn by looking other players character choices. It is easy to get to 90, but then it needs to know more about game mechanics. A deeper ride in PoE.
Have a look at my character classes, it is not each one the same, but there are things, that you need in any class´build.
You will enjoy more, if you learn more about Builds.
Lol, I have been playing for years. This is not my first character just a new account but the one person hit it on the nose. I was building up chaos damage for the conqs as they get resistant to elemental but at the same time I have close to 200% increased elemental damage which I thought was boosting my chaos.

I know very very very stupid oversight.

And yes no minion gems because I just threw in the golems as a meat shield for fun and the weird combo on CWDT (three times) was to try and get walls and dmg out there at three different times of getting hit. That is why the CWDT gems were at different levels.

Thanks for the help. The two other things were for testing for the new league but the whole chaos thing was just a big stupid mistake
BTW as an update and thanks. I had 3 of the conqs waiting with zana so here are the results:

Crusador: killed before easily
Warlord: had 6 portals, still only got down to half health :< MY issue though, his fist killed me 4 times because I can't figure out where it is going to hit :< Had him in a perfect spot right by the end of a hallway, was using wall to keep him there and was doing damage until the fist got me.
Reedemer: died 1 but beat
Hunter: only had two portals left when I got to her. Died twice because I am not coordinated to run around. lol I even run into the middle area of the worms once!

But way better than before and I am not done changing stuff up.

So thanks for the people here that took their time to get involved and answer
There are many styles of play. However, there are a few consistencies in most builds:

(1) Generally you want 1 primary skill. You might choose to swap skills or support gems between mapping and bossing.

(2) You might want 1-2 secondary skill(s) with a duration. They will be quickly placed and then allow you to use your primary skill. You may or may not want to link these to a trigger.

(3) You want 1-2 movement skill(s). 2 only if your primary movement skill can’t cross gaps.

(4) Everything else should be aura, utility, or defensive. These too may be linked to a trigger if desired.
Last edited by Aldonés on Feb 20, 2020, 12:24:09 AM

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