I need a G.Ms help plz

hi im a big big fan been playing sinces 2015, any ways i wanted to know if some1 can help me!!! I dont know what happened but i was cleaning out old chars for new content coming out in about 15hrs or less,and i deleted a char i did not want deleted, i had clicked on the first on i wanted delete and it some how deleted both my chars at once or may been a lag, im not sure... if you could plsaes some how restore my last deleted char... i lost a wep that took me days to get, with the beginners luck challenge,
it was the oni-goroshi sword, i know i could buy it to get it again but i like to get the item myself or make them myself.... plz if theres anything at all you can do...... the last char i deleted was named shinojkll..... Thanks Vary Much G.G.G
Last bumped on Dec 18, 2019, 8:08:24 PM
Email support@grindinggear.com and they can help.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Grinding gear games and the people that are running it, are the best!!! Thanks for your help with my issue... They where fast at replaying, and fixing the problem... Thanks again guys....
Glad to hear we sorted this out for you x3benny and thanks for your feedback!

For anyone else who's deleted a character that they didn't want to delete, you can expedite the process of getting them undeleted by letting us know your Path of Exile account name as well as the name, class/ascendancy and approximate level of the deleted character in your email to support@grindinggear.com!

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