POE & Streaming causing internet disconnect

Hey all,

Wondered if anyone could help out with a weird problem i'm having.

Stats first

Internet 40mbps D | 10mbps U

Router -> Powerline -> Ethernet to PC

Same devices connected at all times.


All stream settings for both games are exact same, only thing I have tried changing is reducing my bitrate upload from 3500 to 2500 for Path of Exile without luck.


If I stream certain games it crashes my internet connection at random intervals . I will post two links below to show the difference between games. First is playing POE, all these streams are ended by disconnecting and the second is playing Archeage, NONE of these streams ended due to disconnecting but finishing the stream.

POE - http://prntscr.com/q91dzv

AA - http://prntscr.com/q91e66

As you can see, I can easily stream upto 10 hours with no problems with AA and other games yet disconnect anywhere between 18 minutes to 2 hours playing PoE.


My router is dropping internet connection for 30 seconds to a minute then back online again. This drops connection for every device in the house.

Any ideas? Im baffled as to why it only happens with POE.
Last bumped on May 26, 2020, 12:45:00 PM
I having the same issue. Internet running at 1.2 gbps/ 1200 mbps obtic fiber and i get disconnect from the game every 30 secs out of the blue. Running cable, so no it's not a WI-FI issue. Not steam because my kids are on steam playing there online games on PC never getting disconnected. It's just POE and it's new patch. Issue solved, stopped playing POE!!

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