Please fix desync, and then completely destroy all performance this game has. (I'm being serious)

As the title states I would really like you to fix the desync, (You can't just claim lag. I don't game without lag and have never had this problem.)
and then make the entire game a slideshow mess of colors. The only thing that ever kills me is when I'm in a shitty situation or the game starts dropping frames I'm scared to movement skill out because of the desync. If you can get rid of the desync I would honestly love for you to destroy the game performance everywhere in the game, so I can laugh at the shit storm of people crying that they're dying while I'm playing fine.

Think about it guys, it would be great. Everybody would still be forced to play because no other ARPG can come even close to comparing to this one. (Except for Nioh, and Median XL. But if these frame drops are killing people they couldn't handle Nioh anyways, and I assume they don't play on PC so Median XL isn't an issue.) and it would be hilarious.

<3 Bloop
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Last bumped on May 29, 2019, 2:15:16 AM
After reading through some more of the bullshit in the console section, I'm now convinced GGG is secretly an organization comprised of the worlds greatest farmers. They have a single goal, to herd as many sheep as they possibly can in to one forum.

Bravo GGG, you've succeeded. *very genuine slow clap*
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.

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