Frequent & Random Disconnects

Hiya! Just wondering if anybody else has been experiencing frequent but random disconnects since the deployment of patch 0.10.2. It's been happening to me about every five minutes so I'm just trying to figure out whether the problem is with my computer or the most recent patch. Often times the disconnects are just a harmless inconvenience, but sometimes I log back in to find my character in default. Thanks!
Hello! Yes I experienced frequent disconnects about 4-5 times in the last two hours. This is the first time I had spent any real length of time playing the game. I was grouping with friends and it seemed to happen in instances (not in town). Checked on my internet connection which seemed to be good. Oddly, we had played for a good 2 hours or so where I did not get disconnected once.

Thanks in advance for the assist!
I've been playing without issue since the release of .10.2... Until tonight. I'm watching YouTube vids on my laptop without issue, but PoE keeps randomly disconnecting me as well. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing?
A lot of client crashes AND disconnects for me.
Fighting the war against the AltF4Core! Hardcore is for whimps.
yeah im getting ALOT of disconnects too since the previous patch, hopefully todays will be better.... game is almost unplayable, fails to load instance and crashes to log in any time i change areas.

Game was fine yesterday until it was patched today. All day since patches I've been disconnecting, and my client would "Not Respond".
I am also having this problem but only since the release of 0.10.3 at lunch time today.
I have the PackCheck and that did result in downloading about 100mb again but I still get random returns back to the login screen. It doesn't seem to matter which server I use to connect to either.
One thing I did notice was that I got a time out downloading today's patch and I did see a few error boxes on the desktop for textures not loading when using the waypoints.

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