unique Ignite Marauder build (HC)

Run Around double cursing enemies and throwing a fireball or two at mob to ignite everyone. Use fire traps to help clean up. You also don't have to worry about mana, and can run and dot in tricky situations. With this build, your role in groups is to lead the pack. You run a little ahead of everyone else, throwing around curse, and dotting people so that your dots have time to tick before your group members help finish them off.

Passive Tree - end game

What you get from the passives
Hex Master: Curses you Cast never expire
Whispers of Doom: Enemies can have 1 additional Curse
Blood Magic: Removes all mana. Spend Life instead of Mana for Skills

+250 to Strength
+30 to Dexterity
+190 to Intelligence

2.9% of Life Regenerated per Second
191% increased maximum Life
+60 to maximum Life

Elemental Damage
41% increased Elemental Damage

Fire Damage
90% increased Fire Damage

+25% to all Elemental Resistances
+15% to Fire Resistance
+5% to maximum Fire Resistance
+5% to maximum Cold Resistance
+5% to maximum Lightning Resistance

Cast Speed
18% increased Cast Speed for Curses

Critical Strike
You take 30% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
70% increased Global Critical Strike Chance while wielding a Staff
40% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier while wielding a Staff
60% increased Critical Strike Chance
30% increased Critical Strike Multiplier for Spells
10% increased Critical Strike Multiplier
55% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells

80% increased Burning Damage
36% increased Radius of Area Skills
20% increased Area Damage
30% increased Burn Duration on enemies

Also keep in mind that with unique staff, you have lots more fire/burning damage (70%) and +fire gem levels

This is a build that focuses on using fireball with chance to ignite/ele proliferation/iron will + your choice of the other two. However, it would be smart to not use LMP/GMP or Fork/Chain, because the whole point is to hit incredibly hard with a single fireball, and then that fireballs damage will be spread to everyone else in a dot form. This also makes Life Leech not important, because ignite damage isn't reflected. Because you won't need more projectile supports, this will do pretty nice single target damage.

It also uses 2x firetrap gems with your choice of supports as long as conc-effect is included.

The curses you use are flammability, and temp chains, but you can switch them out for ele weakness and vulnerability if it helps out a group.

The only aura needed is grace because you are blood magic.

The Searing Touch Unique Staff is pretty much necessary in this build. Besides that, everything else is pretty standard. If you want, you can also get the extra curse ring/boots so that you can tripple curse to improve group utility.

This build has a lot of synergies that work together. With flammability curse, quality fireball gem, and chance to ignite gem you should have up to 88% chance to ignite w/o crit included. This means you can count on your fireball setting everyone on fire with ele prolif. Ele prolif's radius is effected by radius, so that is why i picked up improved radius passives, and why it may be sketchy to include it on your fireball gem.

Now the burn damage from your very hard hitting fireball starts of as 4/3 of the damage of the fireball. However, with the increased burn damage of the passives/staff, it is increased by about 150% making it about 3.33x the damage of the fireball. Then add to that that ignite lasts 30% longer. This should make it do 4.33x the damage of the fireball over 5.2 seconds. Then add the the temp chains curse, which increases dot time by 50% while keeping the same dps of the dot. This should make the fireball do 6.5x the damage of that one huge fireball, over 7.8 seconds. This calculation doesn't include the quality bonus to ignite duration from chance to ignite and flammability.

So basically, when you throw one fireball into a huge pack of mobs, its like throwing 6.5, and these fireballs arent lowered in damage by extra projectile supports so they will hit hard. This fireball should clear packs, but on tough guys you can throw a firetrap or two to insure the kill. These firetraps will do crazy damage, too because of huge +fire damage and +burn damage from the build. However, it will take a long time for full burn damage to take into effect, so that is the disadvantage.

Survivability wise, you have low life for HC, but every mob should be temp chained, and you have the ability to stay pretty far from combat.I guess it doesn't really matter too much what type of defense you use (ES/Armor/Evasion).

Final Disclaimer
First off, thanks for reading this! Secondly, I would love some advice because I can't play this build yet. This is all merely theory crafting. My computer stinks, but hopefully i can give this build a try once april comes.
I've actually played my own version of this before. What you really need to make it work is a quality fireball gem. A 20% quality gives 30% chance to ignite, unless I'm mistaken. That's almost on par with a chance to ignite gem, so you'd have about 70% chance to ignite and don't have to shoot enemies multiple times to make them burn.

So. Got a quality fireball gem? Go ahead and make this build. Otherwise? You won't be efficient.
I run a similar build with 5L Searing Touch and 5.2k HP atm wiht ~400 hp regen. Got blood magic on my quality fireball and when it ignites the entire room clears. Double cursing increases your dps by around 2x to 3x (from looking at health bar).

Also Summon Skeletons on a spell totem with minion life is really hilarious. I got the minion instability node and everything just blows up when i put the totem in a room.
Guild #YoloSwag <SWAG>
HSC: SwaglordYolomancerII
Time zone: GMT +8 (Hong Kong)
Ah thats really cool to hear, thanks for the comments! And yes, I do plan to get a 20 quality fire gem before switching over to this build. I like the suggestion about the summon skeletons considering its 1 extra passive point, and im sure i'll be trying that out.

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