SSF standard Double Strike Champion

No time to play leagues, focusing on ssf standard now. Current setup.

Working on farming either an ilvl 80+ 1hand shaped anything or a 75+ shaped scepter. Then get that stat stick beating the princess. I do have a shaped ilvl 75 pecraro which with the implicit 25 crit multi could beat princess easy, if it got a decent additional ele roll. Ive been doing the zana +5 on influenced maps for the ilvl.

Trying to 6 link a belly on the side. about 900 fusings in =\

If i dont reach any goals soon ill have to go farm some low level places to refill the chaos orbs.

I do have 8 ex on hand.
thinking about slamming the wep. just about anything but stun level would help.

61.6k hideout dps.

I am veryyyy open to input. hanging out in #773
Last edited by qitip on Sep 15, 2018, 3:06:06 PM
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2018, 1:25:45 PM
slammed 21 crit multi.

probably one of the best i could have gotten

64.5k hideout dps
Last edited by qitip on Sep 15, 2018, 4:05:25 PM
crafted a quick stat stick for off hand.

71.2k hideout dps.
hit level 91 today.
Still working on crafting a double additional phys to ele damage sword right now.
Trying to find a shaped sceptre to work on.
Thinking if i get a double prefix i might lock it with master and go from there. probably should wait for ilvl80 though

That stupid bug where you cant use zana to +5 maps is killing me

still no luck 6l the belly i have. probably like 1100 in so far =(

forgot i had this ilvl 84axe.

will probably just keep rolling this for now
Last edited by qitip on Sep 29, 2018, 10:24:30 AM
6L the belly this morning after my master runs.

put me up to 88k hideout dps with a bleed gem. i should try some others to see what might be worth using.

killed elder that was on my map

nothing worth noting i think. still working on 2x phys damage as ele on the shaper wep. doing the alt regal thing. i need to just run some maps to refill the currency. maybe hit 92. sucks with that bug where i cant do the +5 map level thing from zana...
Last edited by qitip on Sep 30, 2018, 7:02:26 PM
finally did it...

regaled the cold, divined once from 73 ele damage convert total. ex the dex -_-
113k hideout dps

the faster attack let me move my leap slam over and now 4L arctic and herald of purity. ideally ill find an enlighten sometime
Last edited by qitip on Oct 7, 2018, 3:11:58 PM
not a bad start. 2nd map of the weekend.
Got a sick day today. Going to knock out some more delve farming and hopefully get crafting mats to take back to standard ssf.

Also considering a mf build on ssf standard for when i have down time to do a quick low map or something. Help fill out the chaos tab
still running ssf delve for fossils to get over to standard.

did luck out a little on other stuff lol
you should be using Loreweave. You are aware that 80% resistances over 75% means like 20% more life vs elemental damage, right? I don't wanna even mention the dps buff you'd get from loreweave.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."

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