Itemfilter: "Always Show currencies" Option

It would be great to get an option to always show all currencies no matter what Item Filter is used.
Last bumped on Jun 23, 2018, 4:49:54 PM
I would like to see a system with a white list (always include) and black list (always exclude) with one (I think I prefer white list) having priority over the other. I expect that some sort of build from scratch keyword system which I believe the PC enjoys would not be feasible for controllers. The lists could be applied to one's choice of the existing filters to allow a modest amount of customization.
A few examples

On the White list I'd like to see stuff like
all currencies (great choice for a pack rat like myself)
separate entries for vender formula items like the tri-colour-link for a chrome items

Black List
individual low level currencies (allowing a custom cull)

As I mentioned, I really doubt that we will get the full functionality of the PC version, but a controller can work decently with check boxes and drop down menus.

Personally, I'd also like the push stick "display all items" function to be a toggle rather than a hold - perhaps that could be a user selected choice as well.

Hopefully any filter customization will reflect the needs/desires of a broad spectrum of players (rather than a just a few at the high end).

I now comment in Forums with my Xbox account:
Khazmadu wrote:
It would be great to get an option to always show all currencies no matter what Item Filter is used.


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