Can someone help me!?! (Im new)

Okay, so I am a ele with the main element of fire. This is my current build, mind you i really have no idea what I'm doing. From what I have been reading about builds I have ZERO clue as where my current build stands because it's nothing like the others I've seen...which I think is a problem for myself.

Is there a way I can make this work? And if so, which spells/set up should I go for?
Currently I use Firestorm, incinerate, and scorching ray A LOT, with flammability and stuff like that (I have figured out what linking is and all that jazz).

But, I still am kinda lost as to what attk skills I should be main-ing and stuff like that. I know it's a bit based on preference but as it stands my survivabilty is abysmal and my dmg is meh...

This is an image of my skill tree
Last edited by Wisel1jh on Apr 11, 2018, 4:16:42 PM
Last bumped on Apr 13, 2018, 7:16:05 AM

my advice would be to search for a specific build on this very forum and create a character according to it.
Read the guide thoroughly and try to understand the principles of the character and why does it work.

This way you will gain experience and in the future can create a character, that will work, on your own.

Trying to design a character as a brand new player without experience might prove to be tedious and unsatisfying.
I would go as far as to say that creating your own build when you start out with PoE is next to impossible, as the previous poster said, look for a build that fits your taste. Make sure to get comfortable with and the character tab in the game.

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