Challenges + other stuff about Bestiary

Does anyone else get the feeling that it's going to be so fucking hard to get 40 challenges this league? Some of them are just fucked up not gonna lie. Also, league itself is boring. E.g. Grinding 1500 shaper/elder maps it's just sooo boring because it feels like u playing standard or doing whole Zana's questline. Ok, we do have this whole best crafting system and stuff but.. lets be honest that it's not as entertaining as previous leagues. In my opinion, arena for this whole beast craft it's tooo small. It's easy to die because some of the beast are so tough and hit so hard.

Second thing that I have a problem with and I guess most of the players does are drops. For example, we are 3 weeks into the league and I can't get to most of the T12-T14 maps (got like 2 T14 done and 3 T13). Most of the time I try to chisel high tier maps, alch them, roll pack size and even putting bloodlines. All of that still doesn't help me get maps that I either don't have or some higher tier maps. I completly understand that "high tier maps" are the very endgame etc. but this league especially it's very hard to obtain these. Let me also say that I don't play just from time to time but practically 5-13 hours everyday.

In my opinion, some of the challenges should be changed, arena for beast crafting should be bigger, map drops slightly increased (also getting bunch of T8-T10 maps on T13-T14 doesn't really help sustain high tier maps), last and one of the most important things PLEASE FIX YOUR SERVERS GGG. Dsync/MS jumps (from 30-800 for example) killed me so many times already.

Hope people are not going to hate under what I wrote because all I did is expressed my opinion about current league and state of the game. What do you guys think should be changed/improved? Lemme know in the comment section :P
Last edited by BBronek00PL on Mar 20, 2018, 10:55:03 PM
Last bumped on Mar 21, 2018, 7:04:31 PM
some challenges are shitty because they require insane RNG that can't really be avoided via grind or trade. kill abyssal lich for example, or spawn T15 elder for zana quest. that's just dumb.
also the "complete the bestiary" challenge requires you to capture some monsters that only spawn in untainted paradise, which is super unpredictable and rare. this sucks.

regarding maps: if you are "playing 5-13 hours every day" and still fail to sustain red maps then you are doing something very wrong. do you have low atlas completion bonus? or are you playing SSF?

i play a lot less than that and i am easily sustaining my pool of shaped red maps for nearly two weeks now. i mostly run T12, T13 and T14. T15 and guardians too, but those are a bit more rare.
I will get 40 challenges just as easy as I did last league.

I am 30 now and have 6 I could complete in a hour if I bothered.

I am 5 beasts of complete bestiary, use this it should be easier

I am not going to waste time with my thoughts on league mechanics, but I do not find it "boring" and I am enjoying it, so do not presume everyone is unhappy.

Most people without major problems never see a need to post on a forum (or go near one even)

As I said at the very end what I wrote that's just my opinion. Also thanks for linking this bestiary checklist it's a big help. I didn't know there is soemthing like that :p. Hope you all having great time :D.

May the RNG be with you!!
VenGanZa9 wrote:
use this it should be easier

Thanks this gonna be very useful
I freaking found a headhunter divination card before I found abyssal depths, or a cartographers strongox (still haven't found one), or finally got an essence I could corrupt. All the challenges feel more RNG heavy than usual but there's enough left that I should be able to get 24 with since I don't care that much about going for 36
When it comes to the Challenges I really don´t care that much about it. Am new to this game, and I knew from the start GO, I won´t have the slightest chance of getting them all. So am just doing the Challenges I CAN and just enjoys the game for what it is and learns as I go.
And that´s it.

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