Righteous fire outer ring disappearing.


Basically every time I hit a big pack with my shield charge, RF bug out. I tried removing certain pieces of gear, moving the gem around, the problem is always there. I also tried RF on another character, and after brief testing it wasn't bugging out.
Last bumped on Jul 15, 2018, 4:18:39 PM
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I LOVE the crazy shaper mtx for RF but it goes away for me in the same fashion. I have removed everything, tried changing stuff around, but it still happens.

So frustrating. I have no idea where the edges of RF are.

Have ggg said they are looking into this?

Hopefully they fix SR totems first. Would love to be able to properly use one of the skills I planned out.

This bug is so annoying..
RF outer circle disappears and you have to recast to see the visual effect..
Only happens when you fight mobs..
about 20 times in 1 hour of game time.
Same for me, seems to collide with other spells and reemoves half of the graphics, but still works...
Bought the special Graphic Effect and cant see without recasting 20 times per map...

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